
Y Does Red 1312 IGNORE That Closed Birth Records Hurt Adoptees & That Many Adopters Abuse Adoptees?

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The proof is out there! There are millons and millons of adoptees who have joined Soundex and Alma, and wanted reuinons. There are millons of adoptees that were not happy with their adopters as well. There are hundreds of message boards, forums and groups on the internet that prove the majority of adoptees are not happy.




  1. To those of us who value our heritage, abuse is inherent in adoption by the mere fact that closed records deny adoptees of their heritage.  Is that hard to understand?  I am mystified by some of the answerers who just don't seem to "get it" that the "as if born to" c**p went out the window when most parents (greater than 98%) stopped sending their daughters to the "house of shame" for being pregnant.

  2. I agree that adoption records should be opened and that it hurts adoptees that they are not. I agree that there is abuse everywhere in this world. So what point are you trying to make about me? I'm confused?

  3. i dont think anyone else can answer that question but RED1312...why dont you email this person instead . This is not a blog......I see that these "100's of message boards, forums, and groups" are helpful.  Try a Therapist, really....

  4. And there are millions and millions of kids who have abusive biological parents.  Your point?

  5. A child  is no more likely to be abused by adopted parents then biological parents. There are lots of people out there that abuse kid’s period. Biological parents abuse, Adopted parents abuse, step parents abuse,  People who aren’t even parent’s abuse kids.

    There are many adoptees that have had positive experiences but to be honest most of these people probably find no need to get online and talk about their adoption to others because they are at more of a peace. They see no need to blog and post online.  people with issues get online because they want to talk to people who have the same feeling as them and experiences that is fine it probably helps them.

  6. I"m adopted as well but my experiance was a positive. my birth parents wanted nothing to do with me when i was born, I then spent 8 years in foster care and group homes until I was placed with my adoptive parents but by that time I was old enough to decide if that was what I wanted. Now at 26 I met my birth family and was not happy with the results. Sometimes it's better not knowing

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