
Y&R: Don't you bet that the Guru River will end up staying at Michael and Laurens place soon?

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I have a feeling Daddy dearest is gonna show up in GC very soon and wheezle his way into the the Baldwin's guest room. Do you think this is bound to happen, maybe not short term but eventually Michael will be defending his biological donation in the courtroom. How many of you can see this happening?




  1. I don't think so. Michael has too much to lose. He could get into serious trouble for harboring a fugitive. I don't think he would risk his family and his career to do that. Now I could see him giving in and defending him should River happen to be caught.

  2. I think you're right about that.  He may even cause some problems for Gloria & Jeffrey (like having River & Glo still be married, since Glo's been proven to fudge the truth in the past)

  3. Yeah, that will probably happen and then he will be a poetry reader are the coffee house...

  4. I don't doubt that he will come back some time in the near future, but at this point I just don't see him moving into Michael's extra bedroom unless Lauren does alot of talking to convince Michael to let him stay with them.

    Besides I don't think the Guru would be comfortable staying there since Michael's not into all the Karma stuff like Jana is.

    Yes, at some point too Michael will end up being Lowell's attorney...why not, he did it for both Kevin and Gloria and found a way to get them both off the hook, so he might as well do it for his dad too right?

    That family is so messed up, and the writers usually come up with some pretty far fetched story lines for them, so it wouldn't surprise me if Glo falls head over heels for him all over again and dumps Jeff in the process too!

  5. Well everybody in that family has stayed at the Baldwin's home, why not one more.

    Michael handles all kinds of cases, you name it he does it. He's defended everybody in his family, what's one more.

    I hope they do keep Jeff and Glo together, their creepy, but River is wow, a lot worse then Jeff.

  6. I'm with you on this one. l can also see Michael doing his darnest to make sure his dad stays out of jail.  

  7. Yes, I believe he is going to come to Genoa City soon, but I doubt if Michael will let him come and stay with him right away.  Yes, I do think Michael will depend Daddy Dearest.

  8. I think you're right.  He'll probably get a job at Crimson Lights, too!

    I hope they don't try to pair him up with Gloria though, I love Jeff & Glo!

  9. I don't Michael wanting anything to do with him for a while, but I definitely see River coming to Genoa City and sticking around.

    Could you see him hooking up with Jill? or Katherine?  

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