
Y&R How did Neil get fired? ?

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So when Adam hired Brad and told him it would be a 3 year contract are you telling me that Neil was working for Victor all this time and wasn't under contract? That just doesn't make sense to me. I know it's a soap and all but really.




  1. The Adam Bomb !!!!!!!!! Thats what  happen !!!!Can't wait till daddy back !!! Will see who the  real boss is then !!! For now  let the games begin !!!!!!!!

  2. never count Neil out

  3. Adam fired him.  The money hunger b****. Wait until Victor comes back and finds out.

  4. Adam was on another one of his power trips and was annoyed at Neil, so he fired him.

    I can't wait until Victor gets back from Mexico. He will not be happy with Jr. for firing one of his most valued employees, and replacing him with someone he didn't like.

  5. Neil got fired because he just couldn't remain neutral on an issue that had nothing to do with him personally but had to do with Victor's kids!

  6. Adam just fired him.

    He was sick of Neil not respecting him, and not following his orders.

    If you ask me, Neil had it coming. He shouldn't have treated Adam the way he did. He might not like him, but Adam is his boss.

  7. Adam just fired him-he fired everyone that Victor trusted just like Victoria said-Victor is going to have a heeny when he gets back-now that is going to be awesome-

  8. I read a spoiler that

    1 vic aint dead but wants to stay dead to the world

    2 he wrote letters and in adams he writes that he don't want to kick nic and vic out of the will and he crumples it up

    3 vic does back

  9. I know, it's pretty stupid if you ask me.  Thankfully the writers didn't prolong this storyline so we won't have to suffer at having Adam run Newman Enterprises.  I can't wait to see the look on his face when he realizes that his dad is alive.  

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