
Y&R~How do you think Victor will react to Nick & Victoria when he gets back?

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I don't think there is any doubt in anybodies mind that Victor will be livid when he finds out about the way Adam took over Newman Enterprises, fired just about everybody and asked Heather to move into the ranch with him!

What do you think he will think of Nick & Victoria and the way they handled things while he was gone?

Will he be angry at them, or grateful for everything they tried to do including stopping Adam from totally destroying everything their Father worked so hard for?




  1. I think Victor will flip at the thought of that woman who tried to lock him up is living in his home> he didn't even want her swimming in his pool let alone acting as the Lady of the House ! For this I PRAY Victor will kick Adam back to his cow-milking days back at the ranch ___ He wants a house ? He has one back in Kansas ( is it ? ) I cant stand that little smug shlt  and hope that Nicholas shows him WHO the real Newman son is !!!

    I think Nick & Victoria did what they thought Victor would have wanted them to do in his absence and that is take care of the company ( regardless of what his will said ) he would have wanted all of this handled with class NOT with a press report as Adam had to have and to fire the crew that Victor so relied on,,,,,well that just shows what a jerk Adam is !!! ( did I tell you I hate Adam ) lol...

    I think Victor will be angry at the whole bunch when he returns but ..... will calm down after he blows up at everyone> to let them know that " He is Victor Newman and he built that business from the ground'' .

  2. I guess i am in the minority here but didn't Victor tell Nick and Vicki to hit the trail?  He even kick Nick off the ranch (later he changed his mind) as far as I am concerned he is following through with what his dad started.  

    Victor gave both kids something he thought they wanted more than Newman Enterprises.  While I know he will be livid about the Neil and Heather stuff he too would have questioned Neil's loyalty and attitude. Neil wasn't given part of the company or even a guarantee of a job.  Adam was which in turn made him BOSS.  Neil questioned him and brought Vikki back in knowing what that would do.  

    I think Victor should get over the Heather business.  He was framed and just because you are the great Victor Newman doesn't mean you are above someone doing their job which is what she was doing.  THE EVIDENCE was pointing to him.  

    I think Nick and Vicki are spoiled and it shows.  He think they are better and smarter and more worthy than Adam.  Yeah he's a smug little A$$ but hey so are they.

    I do hope that he is grateful that his stupidity and asinine ways didn't push his children out of his life for good.

  3. he will be mad at them but they will be forgiven, he's going to find out  nick had nothing to do with the article on sabrina, victoria is so whiny I don't know because he was really mad at her about sabrina.

  4. I think that Victor will be furious at Adam for not only taking over the company, but moving Heather into the house. In terms of the company, firing Victoria is one thing in Victor's book. But firing NEIL?!? What does Adam think he's doing? I think that Adam taking over the company alone could have been forgiven eventually, but Heather moving into the house is a complete no-no. Victor HATES Heather! Please tell me how Adam thought that he could get off by moving her into his father's house?

    I also think that Victor will forgive Nick and Victoria, especially after they suck up to him after reading the sappy letters that he wrote to them. They'll probably all ban together to take down Adam and revive the company.  

  5. I, for one, certainly hope Victor takes Adam down a peg or three when he comes back!!

    And I'm hoping he treats Nick and Vikki nicely....but knowing Victor. . .

  6. I think that Victor is going to be p****** at Adam for what he has done.  But he will eventually forgive Vicki and Nick.  Please Victor knock Adam down back to the farm with Heather.

  7. Like everyone has posted, Victor is going to be so mad at Adam for everything that he has done that I bet he throws him out of the ranch and Newman Enterprises. I think in time he will forgive Vikki and Nick and they will make up, but it will be when Victor is ready to forgive and that might take awhile. Its going to be good when he does come back. I cant wait!!

  8. Well, do you know Victor? lol  Cause I've never known him to be to forgiving so Adam will be long gone and for the other two, he will make them stew for awhile. lol

  9. I think victor will be pissed at everyone. LOL but i think that Adam is gonna be in trouble for firing neil. If Victoria would've kicked adam out and victor would've returned to THAT mess, then adam would have definitely gotten the pity party. =)

  10. Before Sabrina's death Victor had kicked Nick and Victoria to the curb, so him kicking Adam to the curb will be nothing new. If in time he forgives Nick and Victoria, l expect him to also forgive Adam. Since Ashley is coming back on the show, l want to see Victor have a really good relationship with hopefully a teenaged Abby and l hope Victoria becomes jealous. I also want Abby and Adam to have a good relationship and come up against Nick and Victoria!!

  11. I hope that Victor kicks Adam out for everything he did. I think he wont be mad at Nick and Victoria because i don't think they did anything wrong.

  12. Don't worry Victor may have let his lower anatomy take over for a while when Sabrina came to town.  But Victoria will always be, "Daddy's Little Girl".  And we know that he hates Heather and he Loves Neil like a son.  And he and Nick may clash from time to time, but that is what Victor loves about him, besides the fact that he is his son, the fact that he stands his own ground.  Adam is to much of a, Yes Daddy Man.  So when Victor gets back to town, Adam and Heather better tuck their heads between their legs and get out of town, FAST  

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