
Y&R Interesting? Possibly spoiler -unsure if you have read!!!?

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Heather has a health crisis?

Please tell me she is not pregnant - what do you think?




  1. I heard she was going to get sick.. I don't know about Pregnant. If so ,then more to GC..

  2. I read that she was going to be ill but not what the illness is. :~)

  3. yes probably is maybe it will turn Adam into a human being after all to become a father and husband himself.

  4. I know I read that during the weekend and I thought the same thing oh gosh they will make her preg!

    I sure hope not!! I dont think that town can handle another Newman!

  5. I hope she is not pregnant. The last thing this show needs is another pregnancy. Also, Adam and Heather haven't been together that long so the writers don't need to jump into a pregnancy storyline. I think their love story should just fold out without a baby in the mix. Instead, Heather may be ill and this will lead to a reconciliation for Paul and Heather.

  6. Well, l read that too, but l hope she's not pregnant.  

  7. I hope not for the baby's sake, and the people of Genoa City.

    A third Victor Newman in one city is just too much!

  8. I just heard that it is going to be a serious illness and she will be hospitalized due to it . Not exactly sure what it is but it said serious .  

  9. I thought she might be pregnant too. But if it is a serious health crisis, maybe it is going to be an interesting storyline. Kinda like the one they did with Victor with his epilepsy. Maybe a cancer storyline or have find out she is a diabetic. Hopefully it wont be that she is pregnant, we have enough of that drama right now!!

  10. Yes, I hope Heather is not pregnant also, but you know when the writers get a storyline they go crazy with them.

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