
Y&R Nikki - can't stand her anymore!!!?

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The guy obviously hates you... yet you continue to throw yourself into his path. Get over yourself already! I thought for sure the looks that Victor was giving her would kill her on the spot... but no such luck. I kind of thought with her nightmares over David that she would end up being committed to the looney bin. Maybe Victor's denial will finally push her over the edge. I can just see her rocking away in the psych ward... humming and holding a doll or something. Anyone else sick of her whining and crying? Your thoughts on the subject?




  1. Put yourself in her shoes, tho.....  Sure, Victor hates Nikki, 'cause he blames her for bringing David Chow into all of their lives.  But Nikki thought Victor was dead.  Her one true love -- the father of her children.  She wasn't just thinking of how she felt, she was also thinking of Nick and Vikki. . . .

  2. I liked Nikki when she was a strong woman. I would like to see her end up with Victor again but to stick up for herself. not rolling in the sand like an idiot.  

  3. maybe she still hasn't recovered from her latest alcoholic bindge, which made her dillusional?  Nikki was pathetic and should've realized Victor will never listen to her

  4. I don't like this Nikki at all. She has shown she can be a woman to be reckoned with. So why have her all whiny with Victor? For him to respect her she has to respect herself. Stand up for yourself woman! :~)

  5. Think of all of the trauma Nikki has been through in the last month, anyone would fold under so much pressure at one point.  She is going through an emotionally unstable time right now and she will get through it, give her some time and give her a break.  

    Everyone has their breaking point.

  6. I don't like that she is whining again for Victor.  They should let her grow out of Victor.  Maybe the drinking is still affecting her.  But maybe her whining got Victor to came back.

  7. I like Nikki however I agree with you that she is a doormat and people (Victor) walk all over her! David was not her fault. She didn't know he was a psychopath but, yet she continues to let Victor verbally abuse her and blame her for Sabrina's death. I tell you, if he would have gotten in my face like he did her yesterday, I would have slapped the c**p out of him!

    I think she is weak for going back to the bottle as comfort to her problems and hope she remembers what its like to be a strong woman. She's got it in her.

  8. Nikki is very emotional right now and regardless to Victor's words he still love her or he would have turned around when she screamed...She has been through a great deal she'll bounce back soon but she will never make the same mistake twice....True Love out-weighs anger all the time...Notice she didn't take that drink for David but for Victor she did....No nut house for Vikki just give Victor space besides he may soon have to do hard  time in Mexico.....Blessings Yahoo

  9. THANK YOU!!

    I was watching her with the same disgust that Victor was watching her with!!

  10. 100 stars for preacher's reply

  11. She knows taht deep down Victor loves her and always will.

    But I am so glad she has accepted the fact that he wants nothing to do with her.

  12. OMG!  Someone FINALLY said it.  

    I was saying the exact same thing last night as I watched the whole beach/cave episode.

    I was actually disgusted at her begging and wondered how the actress felt about having to do that scene.

    Victor has always treated her like dirt and especially lately and yet

    she wimpering and crying and begging him to come back.

    I actually made me sick to my stomach.

    Think about how he treats ANY other woman in his life.  With such

    dignity and respect...omg...think about how he treated Sabrina.

    Like she was a goddess here on earth.  He allowed her to have a differing opinion and not smash her into dust.

    With Nikki he is the dark knight.

    Sheesh!  Remember when Nikki was with David.  She was strong and powerful, confident and certain.  With Victor she is a wet napkin that took a drink.

    omg....can we please get a new team of writers for her.

  13. It kind of tick me off that the writers made Nikki go back to being that weak crying over Victor woman that she was before. I liked her better when she stood up to him and didnt let him walk all over her. Victor is a moron. I dont like him at all.

  14. Come now, let's not forget who's fault this REALLY is.  Who brought David Chow to town in the first place: That's right Victor

    Who was chasing after his ex-wife when the, cough, cough, woman of his dreams (who he had known all of about 20 minutes, before his lower anatomy took over) was standing alone and had to hitch a ride with a killer:  That's right Victor.  Now he is trying to play the broken hearted lover.  Give me a break. I can't wait till Nicky comes to herself and thinks "Excuse Me, Mr. Newman, but tell us again where David came from."  But we all know that Victor and Nicky will always be the love of each others life.  That is just the way is is.

  15. I am with you all the way on this! We all know that victor is who he is y does she even bother!  When she was running for governor she didn't take any mess from him!! I would like to see that side of her again..if not maybe they should put her in the loony bin.

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