
Y&R ~*~*~*~Victor Newman Spoiler*~*~*~*~?

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Y&R's Victor Is Alive - And Comes Roaring Back To Genoa City

Victor was presumed dead after the fishing boat he was piloting went down during a storm off the coast of Mexico. The body of Walter Palin, the man Victor holds responsible for Sabrina's death and who was a passenger on the doomed voyage, has already washed up on shore, but there's been no trace of Newman. That is, until...

A determined Nikki has been searching up and down the coast for her ex and finally collapses on the sand. "She is dead tired from searching the beaches of Mexico," sighs Melody Thomas Scott.

Just as she's about to give up, a lone figure approaches and stands over Nikki. She looks up to see ... Victor! Yep, Nikki is overcome with shock and joy when she realizes that Victor is alive. But he doesn't return the sentiment. "He has already decided that she is dead to him."

To Nikki's surprise, Victor announces that he wants to remain dead to the outside world. "He has reached a dead end psychologically and I think that can happen to people when to much stress comes from all sides," says EB. "It's not just about the death of his wife anymore. It's about the pressures of his job and what's going on with his family. You reach a point where you need to escape in order to come to your senses somehow."

Nikki explodes, which Scott likens to "beautiful Scarlett/Rhett scenes." Braeden winks, "It's always fun to fight with Melody."

Back in Genoa City, Victoria, Nick, and Adam read the letters that Victor arranged to have given to them in the event of his death. To his daughter, Victor reveals that she was the only person in his life that he never wanted to disappoint. Awww... Nick is also touched by his missive. "Victor says that he finally accepts the fact that Nick isn't Victor," details Joshua Morrow. "Over the years, Victor tried and tried to make Nick into his image, but Nick just isn't that guy. He's wired differently. So in the letter, Victor acknowledges that his son is his own man and he respects that. What really affects Nick is that Victor says that Nick is the kind of father that Victor always wished he could be. That really hits Nick hard and gives their relationship this weight it always needed, but unfortunately, Victor is now supposedly dead."

Adam reads his letter in private. "It's a bunch of platitudes," explains Chris Engen. "Victor basically says that Adam seems to be the one who's most like him. But the thing that really gets to Adam is that Victor tells him not to cut out his sister and brother. To Adam, it seems this letter was more for Victor and his own catharsis than for any practical help. Adam is looking for words of encouragement, but instead it's 'Embrace your brother and sister, who have been fighting ruthlessly against you since the beginning.' Adam thinks Victor wants him to carry out what Victor couldn't do and be the one to distribute the fortune equally amongst them. But Adam's attitude is 's***w that. You're dead and I ain't sharing.' So he crumples up the letter and throws it away."

Later, Nikki calls her kids with the news that their father is alive - but not so well. "Nick and Victoria are elated, of course, smiles Morrow. "They're like, 'Great! When can we see him?' Then Nikki tells them that he doesn't want to come home. That's not exactly what they want to hear, but they're happy that he's alive."

But Victor obviously changes his mind. "Adam and Heather are having couch s*x at the ranch and he looks up and sees Victor, like Hamlet's ghost, standing there,"" chuckles Engen. "Adam jumps up, well, like he's seen a ghost, but Victor doesn't say anything. He just walks by them without saying a word and goes into his study."

Victor's first order of business is to have Michael summon Neil to the ranch. Neil arrives and, while Adam is cooling his heels, is ushered into the study. "Victor reinstates Neil as head of Newman Enterprises," says Braeden. "But Victor isn't happy when he learns that Adam took control of the company and fired his own brother and sister."

Meanwhile, Nick and Victoria are together at the coffeehouse when Estella the housekeeper calls with the news that their dad is home. "They both head to the ranch right away for what they think is going to be this great reunion, but Michael stops them," explains Morrow. "Michael tells them that Victor has some very clear ideas about what he needs to take care of and, for now, that doesn't include jumping into Nick and Victoria's arms. It hurts their feelings because they want to see their dad, but Victor has come back to straighten some things out."

Which includes Adam, who is next granted an audience with Dad. "It doesn't go well," groans Engen. "Victor is sort of a soulless shell of himself. Victor fires Adam and kicks him off the ranch. With very little words, he seems to disown Adam, who doesn't get a chance to explain his side of things. This could be the end of Adam."




  1. This is one of the best spoilers I have read in awhile. Thanks so much I cant wait to see all this happen. Especially with Adam. I hope Victor doesn't shut everyone else out. Thanks for the great updates. They Rock!!

  2. Thank goodness Adam is getting his! I can't stand him! Now, if they could only get rid of Amber and Chloe!

  3. Ok that's pretty stinking cool! I can't wait to see ol' Adam fall,....and Brad. Come on! Brad as CEO? That's crazy,.....what's next Jacks going to quit Restless Style and be VP?  

  4. wow!!! great info thanks!!

  5. freaking love ya thanks i work and to tired to see the late show.

  6. Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!

  7. h**l yeah, you best to believe that I love it that's sooo much yo.

  8. Cool thanks!

  9. Yippee!! I cant wait to see Adam go down!! Thanks for the good info.

  10. Wow. Sounds great.

    I hope almost everything goes down that way.

    The one thing I disagree with, is the end.

    Victor has acknowledged that Adam is SO LIKE him. So you think Victor would understand why Adam did what he did. Victor should at least hear him out.

  11. love it  

  12. WOW!!! How do you know what?

  13. great ,,, i cant wait for it all to go down ,

  14. Whoo Hoo!

    Revenge is best served cold!

    I can't wait to see Adam destroyed!

  15. Oh, when he fired Neil, I said when Victor comes back, Victor is going to be so mad!  I am so glad that Adam is going to get his.  He couldn't wait to move Heather in there and he knew his father didn't like her.  I'm curious to know what happens to Brad.  I've been dying to know what Victor wanted them to come out to the house for the day after the Art Fundraiser.  This is so awesome!!

  16. Thanks for the info. I hope all this is true, because I cannot wait to see Victor put Adam in his place!

  17. How about this -  Chloe is Ester's daughter!

  18. thats a really good spoiler and I can't wait. thanks so much.

  19. Is this true or your version? I sure hope it's true...I love Victor!

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