
Y&R: What do you think about how Adam is acting. Personally I think that Victor will flip out on him.?

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I can't wait.




  1. I agree.  Victor should rip Adam's throat out when he comes back.  Adam is such a little prick.

  2. I also think that victor will flip out on him but more importantly Adam i think is in for a rude awakening because I dont think Micheal ever filed the new will and now Adam will find out that he has nothing coming to him . I think they should send him back to the farm .

  3. He's acting like a ***, they should have wrote him in the script as Jack Abbott's son. He is so arrogant, so I see more Abbott traits in him than I do Newman. He'll most likely run the company into the ground, and Victor will have a Fred Sanford heart attack when he gets back. Not to mention that he'll truely know and experience the heatwave of Victor Newman's temper.

  4. I think Victor will be mad at all 3 of them. He's going to be pissed. I can't wait.  

  5. If we don't have to wait for a lapse in memory to pass and for Victor to start realizing who he is when he is found living in Mexico, working as a bartender/found but is unconscience and we have to wait for him to wake up/found but has no idea who he is or where is he is from then yes, I think Adam will get a WWF style smackdown.  Don't you know who I am??!!

  6. I never have liked him and he should go away.Victoria and Nick will put him in his place

  7. I would like to be a fly on the wall when Victor comes back and give it to Adam.  I really hope that Micheal can do something.  It would be funny if he never did file the will in the courts.  What a twist that would be and Adam gets nothing.  Watch out Adam

  8. I think when Victor comes back, he's going to put Adam in his place.  I have a feeling he'll be found in the chateau he purchased for Sabrina

  9. Adam is taking things to far Neil is Victor's right hand man…Adam is a a$$hole seriously I Friday when the contents of the will be read that it says Adam is not the CEO of the company

  10. I think it was wrong. I hated he did that to Neil.. And i do think Victor will be so mad at him...

  11. Victor is going to let him have it. I cant stand Adam but I dont feel sorry for Neil or Victoria. Victoria did him very wrong and Neil instead of being a professional choose to join in with Nick and Victoria in s******g Adam. They are getting whats coming to them from him. He's his father's child.  

  12. Well I feel like Daddy will not be happy  with the fact that Adam fired Neil. He will not be happy that Adam didn't care &  being so quick to keep him dead &  get everything. He will know that Adam is a snake in the grass for sure. He may not be very happy with Nick & Victoria either. I wouldn't want to be Adam. Well that's if Michael can't figure some way to stop him. Victor is still mourning his loss of Sabrina. Can't wait until he gets home.

  13. I won't want to be Adam when dad comes home. Just to see the look on Adams face when Victor comes in will be great!!

  14. I anticipate his giving Adam his due. :~)

  15. Adam is his father's son.

    Adam is doing exactly what Victor would do.

    Firing Neil might have been out of line, but Neil had it coming.

    If Neil had've accepted Adam, and not disrespected him, he'd still have a job.

  16. That little punk a$$ Adam, he boils my blood. I can't wait til Victor comes back. I think Adam will have almost run Newman into bad waters before Victor gets back. Adam was waiting and itching for this to happen. I honestly feel that he doesn't truly give a rat a$$ about Victor. Victor is going to go postal on Adam...

  17. i think victor will be mad especially when he finds out that it was Jack not Vic and nic that did the hatched job on Sabrina but more about him changing victors way of doing business  

  18. I think Victor will be ticked at the way that Adam is treating Neil, Karen, and Micheal. BUT, I also think he'll be mad that Victoria and Nicl tried to take control and kicked Adam off the ranch and stuff.

  19. i agree w/ Kate M

  20. I think he is acting like a smug *** who will get what is coming to him but it won't be what he is expecting i can't wait till Victor gets back and it all hits the fan

  21. i would absolutely hate to even be in the same ROOM as Adam when Victor returns. I cant WAIT to see what happens, especially when Victor finds out what Adam has done with the company. to me, it doesnt even seem like he really cares that Victor is missing. it just seems like he just cares about running that company and thats all he wants to do and as long as he does it, he'll be totally satisfied.

  22. I don't think he better start his Victory Dance yet, One I don't think Victor is dead and two did you hear what Michael said about him jumping the gun.  I think Michael knows more then he is telling.

  23. adam isn't even mourning victor's "disapperance." victor will defintely be mad about him firing neil, but i can't say too much about victoria taking over the company, only because of the decisions that adam is making. hopefully michael will find some sort of loophole before victor gets back. but then again, i would love for adam to still be in charge so he can feel victor's wrath. lol i cant wait to watch it later!

  24. On the contrary, l could see Victor being very happy with Adam for taking back the company from Nick and Victoria.....after all Victor is still mourning Sabrina's death and he's not going to forget Victoria's behavior towards her nor the fact about Nick and Restless Style's "expose" on her. Even if Victor finds out that it was Jack who instigated that, he'll still be mad with Nick because he has warned Nick about going into business with Jack the snake.

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