
Y SHOULD AMERICANS TRUST RUSSIA? after they invaded georgia for not really good reason (it"s just like iraq)?

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in 91 when they went into Kuwait




  1. we should never trust russia. the cold war is about to begin again. putin is kgb all officials of russia are k.g.b. this is going to get very bad before it gets better.

  2. You are believing the western media. Russia was protecting the south Ossetians from invasion by Georgia. Thats why they went there. Remember a few years ago the school massacre in Beslan in North Ossetia? The conflicts in that area  go back many years and will not be solved in this generation (similar to middle east. )

    You mean its just like the US attacking Iraq.US can attack, but not Ru? Doesnt seem fair.  It seems the US can put missiles in Russias back yard ( poland) but Russia is supposed to do nothing about it. When Russia was going to put missiles in our back yard of Cuba in the 60's, it almost began a war. So somehow US needs to butt out of world affairs, stop being a bully and concentrate on repairing the infrastructure of its own country. I can see how you are confused reading western media accounts but that is because they are not objective

  3. we don't trust russia and never will. remember pres. reagan when talking about russia, said, trust but verify.  

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