
Y-Scale for skating?

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what are ways i can stretch so that i can get my leg to 135 degrees on the ice?




  1. oof!  This is a REALLY hard objective.  It took me nearly four months to reach this goal.  First of all, DO NOT GET FRUSTRATED. Stretching more that you are able to stretch can result in strained muscles or other injuries.  Do lots of splits.  If you can't do a split try this exercise (if you can do a split, start at 100 degrees instead of 90).  Start with your legs at a 90 degree angle.  Stretch out, back straight, and try to touch the floor waaay in front of you.  If your back or legs start hurting, stop.  If your back cracks, fine.  Hold this position for thirty or forty seconds.  The next day do five or ten degrees more with your legs with the same exercise.  Don't get impatient.  Soon, without even realizing it, your legs will be able to go 135 degrees.  If they can't for a while, keep your legs at an angle that stretches them for a few days.  Again, DO NOT GET IMPATIENT.  It is important for you to feel a stretch, but not to feel pain.

  2. Go to and watch Sheila Theilan's spiral stretch.  (She is the creator of Champion Cords.)  I have been doing this stretch with my skaters and they all have a higher spiral.

  3. practise spirals off ice
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