
Y can i see my monitor?

by  |  earlier

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i put my laptop on standby then when i came back to star it up i restated it because my wi fi wasn't working when it started up i couldn't see my screen except for a tab that has all my saved files but everything else is black and i dont know how to make not not look black what should i do?




  1. Without knowing what operating system you'r computer has it's difficult to offer specific advice. But the first thing I'd try is turn the computer off.  If you don't see the start button (Windows XP) or the Windows orb (Vista) you'll have to do a forced shut down.  This simply means you use the on/off switch instead of a computer command.  Hold the switch down for about ten seconds.  Once the computer turns off, wait at least a minute before trying to restart it.  If all goes well, the computer will "find" the proper startup files and our screen will return to normal.

    If it doesn't, you might have to shut down again (using the power switch).  When you restart, immediately strat clicking the F8 key (top row of keyboard.)  This allows the computer to restart in Safe Mode.  You should see a black screen with white letters and several options.  One of them should be Last Known Good Configuration.  Click on that and hopefully your computer will restore itself to its last good session.


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