
Y consider bipedalism 2b most important defining adaptation 2 evolve in the 1st million yrs of human evolution

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Y consider bipedalism 2b most important defining adaptation 2 evolve in the 1st million yrs of human evolution




  1. bipedalism allows for:

    -use of limbs for tools

    -use of limbs for carrying young (more intelligent beings also have longer time where children are not capable for caring for themselves).  this is the most important.  To be intelligent, a being must have long times of growing.  Animals can't live for years being helpless.  Having arms allows mothers to carry babies.

    -more endurance

    -better sight for food and preditors

  2. I just wanted to add that bipedalism allowed us to get the proper changes in our shoulders that allow us to throw.  The ability to throw accurately and with speed made hunting a butt-ton easier.

  3. Assuming this is for a class, whoever asked the question is behind the times since there have been bipedal apes millions of years before they were human.  It is important because it frees the hands.  It is also useful in providing a radiator of heat and very little cross section of UV and infrared  light.  Since we are upright, we don't get as much sun and heat exposure yet we get maximum wind exposure to cool our bodies.  This may have enabled our ancestors to be persistence hunters, chasing down faster animals simply by endurance and ability to cool oneself.

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