
Y did the americans give up i n vietnam war? and was communism over or is it still in our world forever?

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Y did the americans give up i n vietnam war? and was communism over or is it still in our world forever?




  1. I believe that congress stopped funding the war effort because it was seen as a quagmire.  

    Communism is alive and well.. ok, not well, but still kicking.  China is really the last major stand of Communism and they are breaking down to capitalism quickly.  Other communists are Cuba & North Korea.  however, Hugo Chavez really looks to be pushing Venezuela that way.

  2. because we had too many politicians sticking their noses in and making idiotic rules for the Military, we will never win a war again, the last war we won was World War 2 because we could use every tactic to kill the enemy

  3. From what I know, the war was conceded for three reasons.

    1) The enemy's funding from communist countries.

    2) The drug induced anti-war movement.

    3) Our American government didn't have the cajones to start WWIII.

    Here's what I think.  

    1) Communists will eat your children.

    2) Drug and s*x addicted hippies are driven by their emotions, and feelings.  They give no regard for fact, reason, or common sense.

    3)  Our next generations will all pay the price for not COMPLETING our mission during the vietnam war.  WWIII Will be 20 times worse than it would have been in 1975.

    I laugh at the "Free Tibet" people, because they were the same people protesting the Vietnam war.   Define Irony.

  4. It has been said by Chomsky that the goals were accomplished which was to ruin Vietnam and prevent Communism from taking of there like a rockett so to speak. My words the last. The reason was a Pyrric Victory in a way as The U.S.A. lost and many Vietnamese people died.

    There are still a few places like Cuba and Venezuela  which are Communist or at least akin to it. Right now everywhere a Neo Liberal idea is being put forth but The Jury is still out so to speak on whether it the other or either will suceed. It might turn out neither will triumph.

  5. We were never intending to 'win' in the strategic sense.  It was a farce for corporate profits.  Communism is merely the other actor in the farce.  Communism has not died, in the West it has mutated into Political Correctness.

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