
Y did they remove my question!!!?!!???!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i dont understand all i sed is wats my name jim or bob!!




  1. they did that to me too!

    i asked why

    they never showed


    in high school musical 2!

    watch-- they will probably remove this question haha!

    good luck :D

    and stop dissing this guy people.

    you keep on asking good questions like this!

    you are my hero :D

  2. SORRY!, but what has this to do with "dining out"?

  3. They did the same thing to me twice!! And i was 2 points away from getting to level 2 then they took a billion points off!!! how g*y!!

  4. What is Vung Tau, to get back on topic?

  5. yh i kno dat happened 2 me is well its annoying

  6. You are not allowed to ask questions involving "your" name..!

    Its so people cant give personal details..

  7. Because your question is boring, pointless, badly written and in an irrelevant category.

  8. they are jealous that they are not as cool as you

  9. Maybe because you are putting your questions in the wrong category?

    What has this gt to do with eating vietnamese?

  10. is that a vietnamese dish?  maybe that's why your question got deleted.  ask it in the wrong place, like now, and some troll will report it.

  11. Because you're a pathetic NOB

  12. idk

    it makes me mad when "they" do that to me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Shrug, unlucky but what is the point on putting up a question of whether your name is jim or bob???

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