
Y do adults think that they can skip qeues in shops just because they are older?

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y do adults think that they can skip qeues in shops just because they are older? if they are meant to b wiser why would they do it?




  1. This annoys the heck out of me. I'm 38, but my son is only 5, he is old enough to take his place in the queue and wait his turn, put his item on the counter and pay for it - he doesn't know what change to expect but that's ok, he just holds his hand out and the lady gives it to him.

    Adults that cut in front of kids, or worse still, lean over the top of them to get served first, are grown up children who didn't have any manners in the first place. Nothing special changes with age. Manners are a learned behaviour and if no one teaches you them, chances are you will not have them.

    I'm sorry you've experienced this, please believe me that there are lots of adults in the world that also know this is not right and it's not fair, and we are bringing up our children to behave properly. When my son is an adult he will be an adult that waits in line behind a child.

  2. I don't really know. Being a teen myself i just say, Excuse me i was standing there

    I could care less if we should respect our elders. If they don't respect us i don't see why we should respect them. Times are changing

    Yea i went there

  3. cos we spent time waiting while adults pushed in when we were younger, wait a few years and enjoy the privilege of age.

    oh and learn some respect!

  4. There's a little known rule that if you can spell "queue" correctly, you get to go to the front.

  5. I never experienced this, but I could see how this would be annoying. We ((youths)) are supposed to respect our elders, but why should we when they don't respect us.

  6. Because they can whoop your ***.

  7. it is rude and I hate it when they do that. How are kids meant to be taught manners when adults don't show the behaviour they expect back. If I see an adult push in front of a child I make sure the child is served next by speaking up for them. I have even told the adult who pushed in front that the child was the next to be served. The adult acts embarrassed with "oh I didn't realise" yeah right they didn't. Bugs me too and I am an adult

  8. The same reason "elders" don't use turn signals or stop at stop signs, and cut you off while driving.

    They think they have some right over everyone and everything just because they have been here a while. People talk about children being rude, well they're obviously learning it from the rude adults.

  9. Privileges come with age.

  10. I'm an adult and I never push in in front of anyone, neither have I seen anyone else do it in a shop. I'm from the UK and we take queing very seriously here! It's really, really frowned upon to push in so nobody really does it and if they do they'd rarely get away with it without being told.  Why would an adult push in front of a child/young person? That's really rude.

  11. if it wasn't for those adults you would not be here you would not have all the pretty little conveniences and things you have think about it,its  the generation before you and yours that have made the world what it is now, and its very sad what your children and grand children are going to have to live.

  12. I don't know any adults that do that. Just as there are rude kids..there are also rude adults.  Don't put all adults in the same basket.  How would you like if I said "Why do  teenagers spell like they have no education".?

  13. i wasn't aware that we could.

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