
Y do breath stink in the morning?

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Y do breath stink in the morning?




  1. sometimes has to do with your mood or what you ate during the day. I find days when i dont use mouthwash and i have normal breath in the morning, others i use it and still stinkin the morning

  2. Build-up overnight of bacteria.  It helps to brush your teeth and use a mouthwash before bed.  Also, there's a great herbal tooth powder.

  3. Baby dragons frolic in your mouth as soon as you're unconscious.

  4. because when you don't brush your teeth good enough, bacteria starts growing on the left over food bits.  I know it sounds gross, but it definately encourages us to brush our teeth!

  5. because when you sleep bacteria that you missed when you brushed your teeth multiply and make it smell bad!

  6. Bacteria has the chance to build up all night, they give off waste just like we do, and that would be the smell.  It is important to brush your teeth before bed and use a rinse to cut down the number of bacteria.  You don't want to leave any food residue for the bacteria to feed on while you sleep for 6-8 hours.

  7. Excessive salivating and drooling in the middle of the night. Bacteria builds and it gets nasty.

  8. too many hours...

  9. You don't swallow or chew foods during sleep, so bacteria get the chance to build up in your mouth, which is the source of the stupid stench (yeah i hate it too). Hope it helps.

  10. No..I am perfect.

  11. yo, yo y do my breath be all stinkin an s**t in da morning.  dat s**t iz mad wack yo.  fa rizzeal.

  12. Because your mouth drys out and provides the perfect place for bad breath germs to grow.  This is why people say to stay away from mouth wash with alcohol in it because the alcohol dries out your mouth.  Ex. Babies are drooling constantly they don't have bad breath!

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