
Y do my so called friends dont want me?

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hey im 16 from europe. I never had real friends. i only have a few close ones. im an outgoin guy, i throw pool parties, i am nice with people. but they dont invite me 2 their parties, they dont talk 2 me unless i talk 2 them etc. its hard cz they get girls i dont. they go 2 the beach nd they dont tell me. im an easy goin guy i aint mean or anything like that. im the type that can b nice with anybody but have very few real friends. any advice pls:/




  1. aww most of my friends are like that, maybe you hang around with the wrong crowd and they find it easier to talk to girls than you do and your nice to everyone and there not? If they were your friends they wouldnt go behind your back. You should talk to more people , i no its difficult just going up to people you don't usually talk to as they can be very awkward.

    I have the exact situation aswell but i'm not sure either

    good luck

  2. i in your exact sitiuation cept im a girl wish i could help but i have no idea either

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