
Y do people like football SOOO much?

by Guest58240  |  earlier

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Y do people like football SOOO much?




  1. They have no life. So they only have on thing they like.

  2. The only way to know is to follow one team next season. Watch every single game (there's only a week so it shouldn't be that hard) and towards the end you'll probably like it. My friends grandmother had nothing to do and started watching basketball games (watching the miami heat). By the end of the season she was all into it, especially when the playoffs came along. She would get all nervous if the games were close haha.

  3. For some it is like a religion.  They are brought up on it since they are ankle-biters and they live it every week during the season.  Life revolves around the game.....everything else comes second.

  4. Because it is a fun game to play and it is also great to watch your team win!!!!

  5. football..? Like the coca cola slogan said, "makan bola, tidur bola, gooaallll...."

  6. Compared to games like a Cricket Test Match(lasting full five days!), football is a fast game, where fortunes can change every second, and you really do not know exactly when a goal will be scored. Further the duration of the game is also small. It makes you really enjoy every second of the game.

  7. People like football for much the same reason that they like any sport: it is soap opera for men.  Sometimes "your" team is up, sometimes it is down.  There are old rivalries, upsets, etc.  While the contents of a football game largely remain the same (points are scored, blah blah) the stories behind the players and teams are many and go on indefinitely.

    Football also distinguishes itself in that it is subtle mix between violence and intelligence.  An incredible amount of coordination is required amongst the members of a team to get basically anything done, yet there is also the well-known part of the game that rewards physical dominance.  

    The drama of the teams and players is silly after a while, and it -is- just a game, but I bet if you look into it a bit you'll come to find that it is actually pretty interesting.

  8. American football or European football(soccer for us Yanks)?

    If it's American football, it's fun to watch and you can join in by predicting plays. If it's European football, there are no commercials!!!

  9. Because its the greatest sport in the only really can appreciate football if you play football. Its not as easy as they make it look!! I have played football since i was 6 years old and nothing could ever replace the feeling that football creates. Its addictive!!

  10. y do spell like this Soooooo much...

  11. I don't. I like Baseball.

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