
Y do people pick on me because i have special needs?

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i love u all u help me loads




  1. Because they think your different , an alien, but you're not your just like everyone else the people who pick on you are humans just like you if you want it to stop simply tell some one or just ignore them because if they do pick on you they are stupid

  2. because they are ignorant....

  3. Aww,,

    I Have Special Needs Too, ADHD && High Function Autism,,

    And I Have Such Bad Bullying Problems That When I Was 9, I Had To Be Pulled Out Of My Current Primary School Because I Tried To Take My Own Life.

    The Reason Is,

    They Are So Insecure And Scared About How They Look To Other People And How They Are,

    They Find Someone Thats Abit Different Or Stands Out,

    To Take The Mick Out Of To Draw The Attention To Them Instead Of Themselves And To Make Sure They Aren't Anywhere In Focus.

    Also All The Other People That Join In Or Praise That Person/People For Picking On Your Are Exactly The Same And They Know It Inside, They Are Just So Alone They Find Someone To Be In Alliance With, So They Are Classed In That Crowd.

    So Don't Worry, Just Remember In Your Head Your Special And They Are Picking On You Because They Are Either Jealous Of You In Some Way Or They Are Extremely Insecure.

    So All The Names They Call You Are Just To Make Them Look Big And Hard And 10ft Tall, When If You Look They Are 3 Inches Big. And The Names Are To Gain Support From All The Other Insecure People Around Them. And To Make Themselves Feel Better.

    I Hope This Has Helped You =]


  4. They pick on you because you seem different than others, even if you are more intelligent then them or whatever.

    Most people in schools hang in social trends and try to be as alike to each other as possible which is another reason.

    Try not to worry about it though as it's their ignorance, nothing to do with you, celebrate your uniqueness.

  5. awwwww they pick on you because you have special needs....that is so not right. You should tell your teachers/parents about it...they would get into deep trouble.

    Maybe they pick on you because they know you wont say anything back?...maybe they do it to show others that they are all 'tuff' and can get their way...I have a brother he is 18 and he's a special needs student...when people pick on him I always end up going to the teachers and one time this pathetic loser kept teasing him because of his disability and I just gave him a slap...that shuted him up and now everytime he sees me, he goes red and just walks past quietly looking at the should tell them off...otherwise they will keep doing it...Good Luck

  6. People that pick on you probably feel insecure about themselves and only bully people to make themselves feel superior.

    Also, today people can be really nasty and tease anyone who is not normal.

  7. People who do this are insecure of there only disabilities. they put the focus on to others so there not the target.

    there sad childish people who shouldn't act this way everyone is different and have different problems EVERYONE so ignore it.

    i had special needs and i feel people who do are too intelligent for there brain to act the way average brain do. are brain acts differently that's all more intelligent. there are things other people average people can't do and we can easily love you don't let anyone make you feel bad and down just laugh strug it off and if need be point out there faults

  8. people pick on others because they are shallow and afraid.

    they are insecure within themselves and try to make themselves feel better by picking on someone.

    don't worry.... these people don't get far!

  9. Because they see you as they see me, an easy target. I weigh 19st 5lbs and have red hair and a limp, I always get abuse from the dregs of society. I just ignore them or use language that they can understand. If you can try to ignore them. You know as we do, YOU are much better than them.

  10. i been there before im deaf and i was bullied in school, been punched. one day i decided i had enough so i went to the school and when people pick on me i say leave me alone or ill tell the head. it works. by the way people r so idiot makes me angry.

  11. because some people are gits, they pick on people to make themselves feel better and superior.

  12. Because they are small minded

  13. humans acting like humans

  14. Because they are sad useless bullies. They arent worthy to breathe the same air as you..............grrrrrrrrrrr bas ***ds

  15. It's because people like to pick on the easy target. That's why usually the skinny nerdy guys are picked on rather than the big guys who would punch someone in the face for it. Don't take it personally though as it just shows weakness in the people who are doing it. The truly hard people are the ones who pick on the class bully for fun not the people who don't fight back.

  16. because people can be cruel and rather than try and understand the needs and the person behind the special needs it's easier and less effort to just pick on them and make themselves feel big and clever, take no notice i bet you are lovely special needs or not xx



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