
Y do ppl say i give up so much?

by Guest33408  |  earlier

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my ballet teacher said it coz i don't like ballet and don't want to do it and 2day my friend said it coz we were drawing and mine turned out g*y




  1. anything worth doing is going to take some work. That is called learning. I draw and I'm pretty awsome at it but I've been drawing for a long time. I wasn't that good when I started and friend of mine that drew thought I sucked(9th grade). Then a few years later they were actually jealous of my skill and imagination. Now I am a professional artist. I paint, draw, sculpt, wood cut prints, collage, etc. It all starts with drawing and if you quit now because its to hard you'll miss out on a lifetime of possibilities.

  2. Most people, when they start something (like ballet) stick to it (even if it sucks at the moment) But you obviously see giving up as the easier thing to do. Who cares, just do whatever makes you happy. =)

  3. well, i experienced the same thing with piano. i didn't like it that much and i wanted to quit, but i decided to stick it out. first of all you have to realize that when you give up on something, your giving up a part of you. do you like drawing? did you like ballet at one point? your ballet teacher and friend don't want to see you give up, so that's why they say it to encourage you to work harder and prove them wrong.

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