
Y do teachers always yell at people when they didnt do anything?

by Guest55615  |  earlier

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my teacher always yells at me when i not doin anything one=ce she even told me to shut up wat up wit that




  1. Yeah, that happens to me all the time. My french teacher in particular would move me and kick me out of her class for "talking" when I didn't even open my mouth. The thing is, I wasn't the only one. She had a group of kids she would pick on (myself included) and I'm guessing it was just to show everyone else that she was the boss and to not cross her. Funnily enough, no one ever took her seriously and all that accomplished was us mocking her all the time even in front of her face. I think she just wanted to show us that she could keep the "cool kids who own the class" under her control -- but I'm glad it didn't work.

  2. Because they can't handle you and think that yelling at you will in some way help them gain control of their class when really all it does is make students mad so they'll yell back and most of the others think its funny and encourage it.

    Or because they don't like you and carry just as much grudge on you as you do on them or if you don't have one on them yet you soon will. My philosophy is whatever I do their going to find something to overexagerate and yell at me for so I may as well have some fun with it and make them just as miserable as they make me. You get what you give I'm nice to the ones I like.

  3. You might not know that the way you are behaving in inappropriate. Look inward.

  4. In my experience, teachers only yell at the ones who are doing something wrong. Unfortunately, many kids think that acting out in class isn't wrong.

  5. Maybe she saw your horrible spelling.

  6. Of course not. This is just a generailzation. I've had a lot of teachers (especially young) who rarely yell. So, i think it depends on the teacher personality.

  7. Teachers are confronted with a classroom full of people, many of which they know very little about. You know as well as I do that things go on in classrooms behind teachers' backs. You may not be the instigator, but you probably went along with the joke. While it's funny to you, this is our job. We are here to teach and we work long hours after school and on weekends to bring together material to teach students like you. I would agree that it's unfair to blame someone who wasn't involved in a disruption, but put yourself in the teacher's shoes, if you had class after class that made excuses, wasted your time and then acted like fools, it gets a little tiring. One thing I might suggest, if you are in a leadership position, discourage the usual suspects from using that class as their own stage. Likewise, you may want to strike up a conversation with the teacher to see what can change. It may be that in frustration over general events, the teacher doesn't realize they are blaming the wrong people. I won't promise this will work, because some teachers have had history of teaching in toxic environments and may get pretty defensive. But it's worth a chance. We are people, too. It would be nice if students remembered that every once and a while. BTW, if you use such street slang in class, you are going to come across as someone that is less than intelligent. Stop acting like what you text is how you speak and you will do much better in school and in life.

  8. teachers only want to see their students do good, but when your teacher said shut up, she must really hate you.  its not your falt.

  9. Report her to someone, or the parents.

    This is unacseptable.

  10. so , yelling now is it ?

    when i was at school being yelled at by a teacher was a rare treat . they much prefered to give you six strokes of the cane

    a whack round the ear or  a  knuckle rap on top of the skull.

    a bit harsh i know , this was circa 1968, but those recieving did deserve at the time ,and way back then ,teachers were respected ,and thinking back, i bear no malice or ill feeling towards them.

    when i left school , i promptly joined the royal air force , where  guess what  ?

    i got shouted at .

  11. It has been my experience that teachers yell at students who engaged in repetitive behaviors.  In the case of yelling at you when you didn't do anything, it would probably be because you were SUPPOSED to be doing something and were refusing to do it.

    As for telling you to shut up, you were probably talking when you should have been listening.  A teacher has every right to tell you to shut up in those circumstances.  In fact, they should.  As the old saying goes, "You ain't learning nuthin' when you're talkin'."

    From what little you have told us, it sounds to me like you are probably an insubordinate and disrespectful pupil who doesn't want to do what he is supposed to.

    Of course, I could be wrong.  You don't seem to have been paying attention in English class.  So, I had to try to interpret what you were saying.

    By the way, Check Spelling is a wonderful tool.

  12. I feel you have developed a reputation with this teacher... right or wrong, you seem to have a poor reputation.  If you have a fine reputation with your other teachers, you may have to ask yourself why this teacher happens to be a problem.  If on the other hand, you have a poor reputation with ALL your teachers, you indeed must take an honest look at your behavior and the image you are projecting.  Let's say it's just this teacher.  I would begin taking the high road... write a very nice letter indicating you're sorry things got off on the wrong foot and that you will be making a better effort in class to show her that you are a respectable, honest, hard-working young man.  By writing such a letter, it shows maturity and an ability to rectify what sounds like a poor teacher-learner relationship at this time.  Realize that ALL relationships can improve, keep a positive attitude, and in no time you'll see improvement.  I would begin calling the teacher "Ma'am" at all opportunities to indicate that I am showing respect.  If may take time for you to earn her respect, but if you stay the course she  could possibly be one of the best teachers you ever had.  Good luck.

  13. Most teachers have to much to do and too many students to handle to stir up controversy where none exists. Usually where there is smoke there is fire. Translation -- you are likely guilty. You need to worry about applying yourself and doing your work. "wat up with that" is that you are probably annoying.

  14. A teacher should have a sense of respect and you have the right to say, " I do not feel that you should yell at me the way you do. I always respect you and feel that you should treat me as a student and with respect also."


    Parents play an important part in schooling also, the parent can write a letter to the teacher, the school and get this resolved. But and if you yell back at the teacher it will backfire on you when you question her actions.

    Hope this helps!

  15. I'm sorry you had this experience. Not all teachers yell. I should say that good teachers never yell. Your comment proves that yelling does not solve a problem. Teachers should be stern but fair and the atmosphere in a classroom should be welcoming. . Your teacher was either having a bad day or doesn't know how to respond to every day "teacher" situations. Bottom line..always do your best and feel good about your accomplishments.

  16. Well, maybe you are doing something, but you're not aware.  If you find you're always in trouble, ask yourself what behaviors you do prior to getting "yelled at"  Talk to the teacher or the school counselor.   Figure out if you do something wrong and don't even realize it.

  17. teachers r stupid and have no lives so they yell at kids that do nothing so dont sweat it just deal with it for a school year

  18. It sounds like this teacher might be on the edge of teaching. I would suggest talking to a counselor or your parents, and tell them how you feel about this teacher. If you're not the only one who feels this, then get everyone together and talk to the counselor or principal. There is always strength in numbers, just remember that this teacher deserves respect but so do you as well.

  19. Maybe you should get an English tutor???

  20. I tell my students that when a person is a habitual offender, it is sometimes easier to believe when something goes wrong in the classroom that they were somehow involved.

    Although the response should really be "Innocent Until Proven Guilty," it is a flaw in society. Even in the courts when a person has a rap sheet a mile long, they are assumed guilty before all the facts are in.

    After that, I suggest that they act in a manner which there will be no question about their character.

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