
Y do they make it seem like Hillary needs Obama to help pay off her debts, when Bill Clinton is RICH!!!!!!!!!!

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everytime Bill opens his mouth, he gets at least 1000 dollars.

Are they trying to make Obama look like a generous savior?




  1. Why should Bill & Hillary pay their own bills when they can milk the American people instead? Typical liberal c**p. Just like Obama is soooooo into raising taxes to help poor people get free healthcare, yet he only gave about 1% of his rather large income to charity last year! I guess he only cares about the poor when it's other people's money being spent to help them!

  2. No they're just trying to get her to shut up and campaign for Obama the best she can. She was the one who mishandled her campaign finances. She dug her own grave. No one told her to donate millions to her flailing campaign.

  3. Awful, awful grammar, but to answer the question, people in the public eye, especially people as influencial as Obama, will have teams of people who simply aim to make the individual seem as good as possible. It gets them more votes and support. It's that simple. Whether the specific point you have covered is true or was simply conjured in your imagination, I don't know, but I can only offer what I can.

  4. Good question!  I saw the Clintons on vacation in Anguilla, the new St, Barts, as well as Brad and Angelina.  They have to have money to vacation there.

  5. if you notice the middle-class pays for the rich in every aspect.

    Thanks to the Federal Reserve.

  6. It's their elitist attitude. True, and I mean true liberals believe that they are superior to most people and they have been put on this earth to save these individuals. And because of their "special elitism powers", they believe they should be catered to.

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