
Y do white girls like to depend on men more than other races?

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I see this a lot, that when a white lady gets divorced she's usually SCREWED, no degree no nothing she has to find a cashier job somewhere but it's very hard for her to pick up. But usually black girls have their masters and stuff and don't play housewife, but if they do play housewife, they still have the degree for backup. Why is this?

I'm a guy btw




  1. honestly, its because white women are typically raised still expecting the prince on the white horse to rescue them from reality. in black households, women raise their daughters to take care of themselves. my mom told me a story of a white friend of hers that caught aids from some dude she was messing with and he was paying her bills. now the woman is dead. my mom taught me to get an education and not to depend on a man because sh*t happens, and she wasn't lying because i've seen a lot of women, young and old, black and white, end up broke because they were depending on a man. i have a child and i live with my son's father, but i'm still finishing up school because i always have it in the back of my mind that this many could leave me and my child at any minute.

    *edit* i guess i should clarify that i don't think ALL white women are weak and looking for a man to take care of them. but the fact is, since slavery when black men were sold away from their families, black women have had to depend on THEMSELVES to get by and they passed the idea on to their children, and it has stuck with black american women. don't blame us, blame history.

  2. WTF? Are you nuts? What a stupid blanket statement!

  3. very funny..........LOL.

    And did u meet all the white women in the world,u cant put everybody in the same basket....sorry but get more info next time u ask a Q

  4. Oh give me a break!  This is a generalizing and racist statement.  You may need to get out more and meet more people.  And also for your information, "housewives" or even "stay at home dads" that are home to care for the children do more for society and the world than any job you or anyone else on this earth.  I'm sorry you don't appreciate or even realize what you mother has done for you.

  5. because women of colour have cultures that believe they aren't treated like princesses like white girla are more likely to.  Black women are most likely to be most independent because we are taught to take on a lot of responsibility from a young age.


  6. Only 15% of black women have a four year degree. MUCH LESS have master degrees.  

  7. You're joking, right?

    My mom is a SINGLE parent, my dad left her when she was 19 and mom raised 4 kids on her OWN.

    Or are you just angry because you're single? lol

  8. Alot of the times they just kill their husbands for the insurance money.  So they are not that broke.  Also, they go on welfare.

  9. What white girls, not in my country anyway.

  10. Stop generalizing, you are building up the racial fire.  

  11. Because they are Christians?

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