
Y do women want to look like models? Check out Victoria Secret Heidi Klum unphotoshopped pics. Yucky?

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  1. They are called "models" because they are supposed to represent perfection. However, these days with photoshopping and plastic surgery it's really hard to know where reality ends and fantasy begins.  I think that this sets very difficult parameters for younger girls who are trying to discover their ideal woman "reflection."

  2. Are we feeling a little catty?

  3. It's probably more make-up and lighting than photoshop.

  4. Yeah, real yucky. Lets see yours for comparison.

  5. For some of her model shots

    Photoshop is a very powerful thing.

  6. She is not merely photo-shopped in the second picture. She is using all the feminine tricks, and when doing so, she can make most mens' heads spin, no matter how much you want to be hating on her.

  7. that top isn't really flattering, and she's a tad skinny, but still pretty.

    EDIT- HOT d**n that second pic is s**y!!!!!!!

  8. Judgemental much? I think she looks better in the first set than in the second.  She looks the way she does because of genes.  I think you are just jealous.  Women will never get over our body issues with people like you around, holding us all to impossible standards.

    You should change your name.  You don't sound too sweet to me.  Maybe Catty is more like it.

  9. because they want men to look like models. so they expect us to want the same from them them. but we don't. women are just wired to be pickier than men are.

  10. some people don't realize the difference between the real thing and the illusion that is air brushing. btw, i don't think heidi looks gross or anything in that picture. she just looks like a normal person. i've heard a lot of people say they wish they could return to their pre-pregnancy size like she does.

  11. Most models aren't really that pretty in person. They just happen to be photogenic and are able to look good after they've been made up and shown in flattering camera angles.

  12. She's had like two kids in the past few years. She looks fine to me - like a real, regular woman!

    EDIT - and guys wonder why we gals have body issues... we're tough on our own!

    Have a heart girlie! That's just wrong.

    EDIT - Honey - look at my picture there. Does it look like I've been worked on? A closer look on my 360 page will show that would be a big Nooooo. I don't strive to look like a model, but I'm also quite so judgmental when it comes to stuff like this. Like I said, she's on the beach for cryin' out loud - have a heart!

  13. You're lame. SHOW US YOUR PICTURE, OH VENUS!

  14. Heck, she has a way better body than me! I still think she is beautiful inside and out.

  15. Because they want the attention that the models get.  They want the cars that she has and the expensive vacations that she gets.

  16. Sweetness, that was catty and you know it. She's fine. Yes, even models have cellulite and wrinkles here and there... BUT we women should be banning together celebrating all body types and not judging each other. And I KNOW we all do it. But we are all harsher on ourselves. That's the sad thing. Me? I'm just not happy with my body unless I'm a certain size- but yeah.. without my make-up I'm not some glamour girl, either.

    PS- Heidi is awesome and her husband is adorable.

  17. She looks pretty good to me.

    We all know photos are enhanced prior to publication, but why must you broadcast this person as if she isn't all that? We all have flaws, and I would think that with you being a woman yourself you wouldn't want every one of yours pointed out.

  18. I'm not sure why women "want" a lot of the things they desire. Like a basket of soap and body wash they will never use. OR.. buying something they DON'T want just because its "on sale".

    I've stopped trying to find the logic because I realized the logic was never there to begin with!

  19. she still looks hot. like Jon said, and i cannot believe i'm backing him, lets see your pic if you think she is "yucky".

    edit: ok, you don't model and you don't look like one, yet you feel the need to bring down a woman that looks perfectly fine? this drags every woman down and makes you look catty, bytchy, and jealous.

    EDIT2: why do you assume we all want to look like models are have been worked on? neither is true for me. you seem to be the one that has a model complex.

  20. I like real bodies that age and striving to look 18 all your life is not my cup of tea

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