
Y doesnt my hamster go on its wheel or in its ball!??! (answer a.s.a.p.)?

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i got a russian black hamster recently and she doesnt go on her wheel or go in her ball and im worried about her becoming obese and please answer quickly!




  1. its lazy. you should put some hamster food on a string in front of the wheel and trap him in the wheel somehow, and he will try to get the food but will not get it. do that until he learns to himself

  2. Some just don't like an exercise wheel or ball.  You might want to try some wooden bird toys for it to climb all over and keep it amused.  -a

  3. All animals are different.

    Alright, then consider feeding it less ? @ Obese

  4. It's okay if he's not constantly running! He may even prefer excercising when you're not around. When you notice he is visibly getting fat, keep a closer eye on him, but for now I don't think you have anything to worry about. Good Luck! <3

  5. sorry about the people that are not being very nice.... it could be because its shocked from its environment changing or that could just be the way he is my hamster rarely runs in his wheel and he is not lazy.

  6. maybe its because shes obese and dying

  7. i think its prolly just lazy or stressed being new and all i would suggest u buy the kind u can just put it in to roll around the house. then it will get exercise and wont die =]

  8. Its kinda cliche, but she's probably just lazy. Hahaha sorry :-)

  9. I would have to agree with cheeso

  10. lazy hampster i guess

  11. does she usually go in her ball and wheel??

  12. I think that she is just shy and still getting to know the place same with new pets i get they are scared and shy for a few weeks and then they lighten up and aren't as shy.

  13. maybe she just doesnt like it.

  14. Try placing her in her ball/wheel, and take a piece of food in front to encourage him/her.

    The ball works better than the wheel.

    Hope I Helped!


    Can anyone help me?

  15. calm down. you really can't make a hamster do something it doesn't want to. it will do what it wants. you shouldn't be so worried. if it doesn't ever do it at all and it really gets fat, i would suggest maybe consulting a vet or vets assistant over the phone so it doesn't cost you. the obesety will not happen like instantly so there isn't really a big rush. like i said, chill and watch. oh, r u only watching in the day?? they are nocturnal wich means they are supposed to sleep during the day. if you wake up at night, take a peak into her cage and see if shes running or doing normal hamster stuff like hiding food or eating or stuff. she should be fine.

  16. She is the variety of hamster that likes company, so she could be lonely.  Get her a friend, put them in a split cage so they can get to know each other, and in 2-3 weeks, she should perk up.  You will notice a little more activity during the day as well.

    Do not attempt to introduce them right away.  The split cage allows them to get to know each other and their smells gradually with out harming each other.  The process takes 2-3 weeks. you have to furnish food and water for both sides and every couple of days swap them to the the other side so they get used to the others smells in the bedding and nest.  After two weeks place the hamsters in a neutral area, like a cardboard box, the bathtub, (with the drain closed), or another cage.  If they get along, they can be housed together after a quick cleaning of their permanent home.  If they don't get along they need more time in the split cage.  If you have questions, my email is available in my Y!A profile.

  17. Well You Must Have Got The Idea From Movies/Cartoons

    Thaat You Have Seen Where Hamsters Do Thaat....

    Maybe Your Hamster DOESN'T Like It........

    You Shouldn't Force Him To Do It

  18. Probably just nervous our to lazy or even sick.

  19. maybe she doesn't like the wheel or ball? or maybe she doesn't feel well... has she ever gone on the ball or wheel before?? if she has gone on it before but lately she just started not wanting to go on it, maybe she's sick or maybe she just doesn't feel like going on it... : /

    you should watch her for the next couple of days and if you see anymore changes you should take her to the vet.

  20. Has she ever gone into her hamster ball or wheel before? If not, you may be able to train her by putting some food or treats in the wheel or ball. she may just be afraid of them. also you could just put her into the ball. I'm not a hamster psychologist, so take my answer with a grain of salt.

  21. if you just got her recently, and its a different wheel from in the store, then your hammie just might not know what it is, or may be getting used to it.  or your hammie just isnt active and thats fine!! and chances are since hammies are more active at night, your hammie runs on her wheel at night when youre asleep! as for the ball dont worry about it, my hammie HATES her ball and the only way im gonna get her in there is if i force her! and if youre afraid of your hammie getting obese then just dont give her as much treats or food!

    good luck and hope i helped!!

  22. OK, well it looks like everyone failed to inform you that hamsters are in fact nocturnal. I'm sure you see your hamster eating and playing in the daytime, but the night is when they do most of their exercising. So, just because you see her sleeping all day doesn't mean she will become obese she's just doing what's natural for her. It would be pretty much the same if someone expected you to go jogging in the middle of the night : )

    but, putting that aside. If she doesn't want to run on her wheel or in her ball there is no reason to be alarmed. she either hasn't figured it out, doesn't care for it, or simply has been moved into a new environment that she is still getting comfortable with.

  23. just put her in her ball with a lil food and eventually she will work out how to use it and that it wont hurt, she wont die unless your feeding her way to much. When I had some i set up a lil play pen in my back yard and i found they where much happier running around freely and they also looked much healthier.

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