
Y dont chinese people eat diary?

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evry time i get chinese food i notice nothing comes with chese even my frind says that chinese icecream is not made of dairy!?




  1. i gotta disagree with the guy that said most asians are lactose intolerant.. i am an asian.. hardly anyone i know is lactose intolerant. what he sadi is wrong. second of all, its just not in their diet to eat dairy products. and you know what?? they found out that china makes about 1/4 of the worlds population but hardly anyone there gets cancer. why?? because they don't take dairy products. a few scientists studied this and confirmed that its true

  2. cause thats how we roll!

  3. It's just how the culture is.  If you have a look at the majority of their food it is based on vegetables, not animal products.  It has nothing to do with lactose intollerance or dislike of dairy - it's just the food they have always been brough up on because of their history and their land and how they use it.  (Ie they use it for farming a lot more plants than they do for farming animals)

  4. well, it may not made of dairy but i dont think chinese dont eat/ dont like dairy products

  5. Most east Asian peoples are 'lactose intolerant.'  Dairy products are not a normal pat of their diet.

    I use quotes because that's actually the normal state for adult mammals, including a small majority of humans.  It's us milk drinkers who are the statistical anomalies.

  6. I notice they make fun of it in Animes too.

  7. Most Asians are Lactose Intolerant. The ice cream in Chinese restaurants does have dairy but was created for Americans not Chinese.

  8. Basically, it starts with the culture, which is farming.  Due to population, most arable (fertile) land has been used up for feeding the people, not animals.  Therfore, there is very little grazing land for cattle and goats.  

    Since this is the case, the Chinese have developed a diet without dairy, and therefore, cannot handle that type of food when given it.  Those raised in the US will notice that they are not lactose intolerant, mainly because they have been acclimated to the dairy here.

    The lack of milk in China means they have to resort to substitutes for milk/cream in foods like ice cream.

    However, that said, they do consume dry milk, but that's not a food/ingredient that the chinese love to cook with.

  9. They look smart but not smart at all, you would think so.

  10. Westerners=potatoes; Asians=rice - staple diets for both regions. Tradition, social conditions, climate play significant roles in determining the cuisine and eating habits of people. America is only 250 years old, China is 2,500+ (recorded history) years older; both societies have experienced vastly different social and geographical conditions.

    Many in China dislike dairy-based products, not because of "lactose intolerant" but more so because of the taste. I for one refrain from as much dairy products as possible because they can be 'nauseating'; my preference is skewed towards Asia - a gastronomic haven!!

  11. of course, why they should eat """"  diary """"". do you ?

  12. 95% of all Asians are lactose intolerant(the highest percentage of any ethnic group).

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