
Y dont the goverment (or whoever) put friggin solar panels on cars and stuff to sacve energy??

by  |  earlier

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and the environment?????????????????????????????... they could they r just lazy and dont wunna spend the money that they HAVE, becos then they cant afford that fancy yoacht they wunna buy, or have us pay for their second home....




  1. And who would be paying for this? You do realise if they wanted to put solar panels on every car, it would cost billions. To pay for it, they would have to massively rise taxes, then everyone would complain about taxes rising 20%.

  2. All of that is true but to make a solar powered car takes millions to make a single car. They have to buy certain equipment because the word "solar-power" means that the sun's energy is taken in and converted to good energy. The cars would have to have a huge generator as well to store the energy gotten from the sun. Not to mention the filtration system to take the radioactive element found in rays and the extra money, which we as a world and human race have none of. They would rather be wasting money on war and then be considered a danger zone due to the counterattacks given by the enemy.

  3. They dont' work that well yet.   They're still more expensive than gas as the best ones can still only convert about 7% of the sunlight to energy.  Store that energy in a battery & you have lost even more.  

    Look to nanotechnologies to improve this in coming years.  They have developed a nanotechnology spray on paint that is a matrix of solar cells.  That will make retrofiting homes much easier 1-2 decades from now.

    It would be unwise to dump federal money and increase taxes into a technology that, while novel, doesn't pose a real solution.

  4. I totally agree with you.  I'd put up several questions about the government supplying and enforcing "green laws"  and have gotten shot down and and razzed for my suggestions on here.  The fact is, if you look around your city or town, (whatever)  many people just waste, don't recycle, etc.  There should be laws regarding conserving energy.  Many governmets have piles of money, I think that all new homes should be built with alternative energy and anyone wanting to convert their home, car, whatever to a renewable sourse of energy should get a substantial rebate of cash.  It's simple.  The government seems to have other "priorities" unfortunatly, the enviroment seems to always be at the bottom of the list.  Maybe they will chnge their minds when we are walking around in gas masks.

  5. because i don't want to have to pay for em!!!

    bottom line is the government doesn't have all THAT much money.. everything they have plus a bit more is already spent.. so they would have to get MORE money out of my (and every other tax payers) pocket...

    solar panels are NOT cheap nor could you reasonably get enough of them on a car to move it at any speed .. your best bet would be to put them on your house.. then plug your car into the house... problem there is currently it would run about 16k per house to power em with solar.. most of us dont' have an extra 16,000 bucks just laying around to be able to power our houses with solar..

    8 ) not being mean but man before you fall for the this is the ultimate solution follow the cash trail ... eventually you will find why it isn't working.

  6. Because Bush is a freakin' r****d who is only making money for himself and not carring about the needs of the U.S. population or economy. Which makes me wonder where all the money is going to in the first place...Oh, wait! All that money is going to the War in Iraq! I almost forgot!!! So now we are loosing money as fast as we are making it! And Bush strayed from the original U.S. mission in the Middle East. We we're over there to find Osama bin Laden, and instead Bush is trying to make a 52nd state!!!!!!! HE'S A DUSHEBAGG!!!


    if you look at the solar powered race cars, you'll note that you wouldn't want one.

    they are small, light, fragile, not street legal, and only run about 6 hours a day.

    it's just not practical today.

  8. It is not the government's job to put solar panels on anything. When consumers demand more energy efficient cars then car companies will start producing them. Classic economics supply and demand. We need less government.

  9. If your going to seem like a rebel, dont act like a unintelligent one atleast.

  10. why are we at war?

  11. Try spell check next time you want to post an intelligent sounding question.

  12. Because they're Retards?!?!

  13. I know its bull c**p okay we are spending millions of dollars to fight over in iraq for a reason no one knows but we cant spend any money to do some thing like solar panels or to help starving children its dumb.

  14. like..dude..haven't you realized it yet? its all about them MAKING MONEY they could care less about us...

  15. Not cost effective! Like your education wussn't effa!

  16. Because I would cost a lot more money then we are paying now. Also if you wanted to go out at night how could you there wouldn't be any sunlight to power your car?

  17. It's about efficient use of public money, sure, we could though x amount at solar now, wipe out reserves (again!!) and save y amount of pollution/energy  but in a year that same figure for x will be 20% less and the increase in y will also count.

    It's about finding the right area in the market to encourage and develop and whilst a lot of research is being put into solar at mo, it's still not worthwhile throwign the kin of cash you are suggesting at it.

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