
Y is the left critizing john about his houses when it is dems r 1 who want programs without wanting to pay?

by  |  earlier

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we need to pay for them and we will in long hual thru taxes




  1. so if I follow what you are saying, people who desire social programs should not criticize those who can't remember how many houses they have.

    And why not?

    I really dont see the connexion between those two ideas.

  2. Socialism has taken over the new Democratic party.  Yes, we will be doomed to spread our money equally so that those who do not want to work will share the benefits.

    Of course we would never deny the disabled, the elderly or our beloved veterans.  But isn't the left trying to break us all, and take away our precious freedoms?


  3. I am not sure. What does how many house he has have to do with anything? Let's be totally clear McCain wealthy? YES. But do you know what..they ALL are. You can't tell me that Obama isn't very well off. We all know how wealthy the Clinton's are as well. That is what makes me laugh about the Dem's they try to play off like they are like us the everyday people. Yeah, sure. Let us be clear on one other thing. Obama has all ready said that he is going to raise the heck out of our taxes. " We need to fix this country and that is going to take cost and sacrifice on all our parts." It won't be the only the wealthy who pay for this. If you make a decent living you ARE wealthy according to the Dem's.

  4. it's the neocons who want programs without wanting to pay too

    big business wants to be bailed out by the govt when they fail

    but they don't want to pay taxes on their profits

  5. Did like Bidens "Compound"...... isn't that like all of us....

    But a ad campaign on homes keeps talk from issues so expect the DNC to run the house story for as long as they can

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