
Y&r OMFG Adam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by Guest61897  |  earlier

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omg did u c adams face when he saw his dad while he was doing hearter like who he litlery saw a ghost the real thing hahah victor




  1. I loved it !   Talk about putting a damper on the heat .........  He almost choked on himself !  LOL !  Loved it !

  2. todays episode was the best episode EVER! i love the look on adam's face when i saw it i just broke out in a hyesterical laugh!

  3. I know! I cracked up! That was the best acting he's done the entire time he's been on Y&R! Today was definately an episode NOT to miss!  

  4. today's episode was amazing. Adam finally got what was coming to him.yay!!! I did a little happy dance in front of my computer!! :-)

  5. Yeah, that was soo funny. He was just guilty because he knows he has been acting like a rich boy out of control!

  6. Yeah .. I saw that .. lol .. just priceless.

  7. I really liked it,  the only thing I would have like better would be.  Instea d of firing Adam, send him the mail room.  Make him work his way up.  He can deliver Neil his mail.

  8. I know right I so cant stand adam he is such a man ***** haha. But he really dosent even love victor he just constantly tried to take over victors mansion and company. Im glad that he has come back though I dont want him to get back with nikki though :D

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