
Y r ppl so brutal on this paticular website?

by  |  earlier

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ppl are always telling me how pretty I am. But I don't believe it, so I posted pictures of me here (question has been delted) and basically everyone said "ur average" i guess i dont photograph well, but idk. i know ur probably thinking i was expecting ppl 2 basically tell me what i'm used to hearing but honestly i guess i dont know what i was expecting 2 hear, just not "average" cause I am ANYTHING but average in personalty, looks, im orginial lol. So y do ppl always tell me im average or ugly?? according 2 my frienz and family im not.

God, I am truly scared 2 read these answers.




  1. sounds like you have all the confidence you need. If you think you are all are. People on here feel like they can be honest because they don't know you personally. I'm sure you are very pretty..but do you honestly think your friends, family, and people who love you are going to tell you that you are ugly..? Never ask a perfect stranger who doesn't know you if you are pretty if you don't feel confident...because they are going to give you an honest opinion. Well, good luck to you..As long as you feel are.. =)

  2. if you aren't "average" to your friends and family, then why are you posting the horrendous question "am i pretty"?  listen to others who SEE you in person, and have a little confidence.  don't worry about strangers on the Internet.  we're just cranky because that's the ONLY friggin question we see these days, other than "am i fat?"....or "am i pregnant?"...

  3. there is no reason why you shouldn't have conidence

  4. because we are telling the truth.

  5. People say what people want to say. Offensive to you or not.. they are not going to stop.

    sh*t happens.

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