
Y when i play a dvd in my pc its a lot better quality then my tube tv?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Your PC monitor is essentially a hidef display. If you buy a hidef TV, the TV will look just as good.

  2. Also of course the even if your PC monitor is a tube monitor it will still play better as the resolution of a monitor can go higher than that of a TV as it will have a graphics card (which to the best of my knowledge no TVs yet do) so this also can effect the output of the DVD.

    Also as stated below though if it is an LCD then the image is going to be crisper as the resolution and display is going to be a lot better.

  3. Your 'tube' TV is likely a standard def set only compatible with a max resolution of 480.

    Your computer monitor is a PROGRESSIVE device and a higher resolution/finer dot pitch.

  4. You PC with LCD monitor ? if DVD play to LCD TV is will be  better than you PC now.  /compare apple to apple not apple via pineapple. try you pc with  15 inc 0.9 dpi CRT monitor ,VIA  LCD HD TV ,wich is better ?

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