
Y? y? err please answer ?

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Okay from my previous questions you can kind of see what's going on ... I am now 7-8 late for my period... i took 3 preg test within the first 2-4 days all negative so i gave up on that ... but than still no period i have a doc app friday but im so curious

im usually clock work been clock work since i was 11 now 23...sametime every month 3 days and its over ... also been like that thats why im worried

i didnt get excited til a day ago yesterday ... because i new better so than i thought maybe this is it!! my husband and i tried for awhile but never conceived so i quit trying trackign etc about year and half ago because i couldn't handle it anymore we seperated for six months due to stress and got back together

so last night i started getting a mild cramp so i thought ok and cried the whole way home because i just new i was going to get it usually when i get a cramp i get it within 4 hours again always been like this...thats the thing ive always known my body and whats going on .... so more than 24 hours later nothing...

the first 7 days was nothign but throwing up nausea and feeling dizzy but that has seem to pass sometimes when i eat i get neauses but i have been like teling myself not to throw up...soemtimes ic an't help it tho...

hott and cold constantly i know i just gotta wait til friday but again i ask people with past expr

have you ever gotten a neg home test in the same week you've missed your period?

do u ever get a SMALL SMALL cramp liek you may start yoru period? could this have somethign to do wit conceivin?

any past exp would greatly be appreciated im so lost and would like other stories

1 second ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. Some women cannot get a positive urine test until they're several months along.  You need to get a blood test to check those Hcg levels.  If you're really that regular, there's something off.  Good luck and baby dust!

  2. I dont have any experience but it sounds to me like you are pregnant from what I've heard from others.  

  3. go out and buy another test, and take it, it might come up positive now. Your hormone level if you are pregnant increase everyday and you might get a positive result

  4. Dont become stressed out baby girl!! because... if they are regular as you say, there is a very high chance your carrying right now..

    some hpt can not do it for females, so if you are dead set on knowing take a blood test..

    every women is different, and some are and have been in worse conditions then yours and have gotten pregnant so anythings possible

    remember stress can play a big role in all of this too, if your stressing about becoming pregnant so much you can delay your period as well you need to find out because if you are, your stressing for nothing and the more upset you get the higher the chance is to lose it....

    and if it comes back your not...then while your at your doctors ask them about clomid to increase your chances

    i hope all this helps you in some let me know  

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