
Y2J Jericho Or Chris Jericho?

by Guest59975  |  earlier

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i was asking About Y2J chris Jericho or The New Chris Jericho!!




  1. Y2J Chris Jericho was cooler. the New Chris jericho is okay.

  2. Y2J! Way more fun as a cocky, arrogant heel.

  3. Both they both are great

  4. y2j in the old days

  5. the old chris jericho, i mean the face..  he's an excellent heel though..

  6. i asked this same question a week or so ago. Search before you ask.

  7. Ur mad as a ******* rabbit inside a pothole!

  8. He's still called Y2J! I guess you're asking Chris Jericho in old days or now after his comeback! if that, then I think Y2J was a great heel earlier (long haired.. during attitude era), he still has the ability to reach that level but it'll get him a few more storylines to get over... Well he's best on the mic as always & I hope he soon gets into the world title picture.

  9. Why not add Lionheart Chris Jericho from ECW?  Or "The Man of 1,004 Holds" Chris Jericho from WCW?

    All of them are the same person to me.  All of his gimmicks have been well thought out, and work very well as he's great on the mic and in his acting.  Really, this question is frustrating as he hasn't changed all that much.  As a heel, he's been funny and serious...  and as a face he's been funny and serious...

    Either or, he's just amazing.  Plain and simple.

  10. Thats about as dumb as asking Who do you like more Slash or Guns N Roses?

  11. i don't know to me when the guy announces wrestlers when they come out it sounds better when he says...chhhhrriiss jerichooooo lol

  12. I knew what you meant by this hoagie the moment I read it.  Jericho himself said he is no longer.  He has matured and is now Chris Jericho.   I for one hoagie, was dying for his heel turn to happen since his return.  His act grew stale as Y2J.  He always said the same things, and just wasn't as funny as he used to be.  This new version of Jericho fits him perfectly.  He is a great, natural heel hoagie.  It also fits his age.  The new "mature" Jericho is just what his career needed at this stage.  Never understimate Chris Jerhoagiecho.  Hoagoe for YOU!  If ya SMMMEEEELLLLLLLLLLLALALALA  what The Hoag is makin!  

  13. Both! :-D He was great as Y2J! (-: He was funny, loud, and full of energy!!! (-; Even though he's a jerk now and all serious, it's sooo interesting! [: I don't get why people are hatin' on the new Chris Jericho's atittude. He's a HEEL, he's supposed to get under your skin and make you angry. He's the best no matter what!!! (-:

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