
Y!A Avatar?!?!?!?

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I want to show my avatar's whole body? So, I downloaded the large JPG or whatever and croped it and saved it in my documents because i couldn't save it in my pictures. I'm stuck now what do I do?




  1. Do it from the beginning.

    There is a Url for every Yahoo! avatar, so "Right click" on your avatar, go down to "Properties", Copy the "Location" and paste it in your browser bar. Then replace the word "Medium" by "Full" and hit the enter button.

    Then you will get something like this:

    Save the full length avatar to your desktop.

    Upload it on your Yahoo! 360, and set it as a "Primary picture".

    Now, come back to Yahoo Answers. Click the "My Profile" link to the upper right of this Yahoo Answers page, then click "Edit My Info" in the top left box on the Answers profile page. Scroll down to the image section and check the option of showing the 360 picture. Click Preview and then the OK button.

    You will get a full Length Avatar!!

  2. that's how it is..i tried it many times too

  3. try coping and pasting it as a jpeg file to a yahoo 360 account then set ur default avatar as ur 360 profile on Y/A.

  4. To display your full size avatar click this link

    Click the jpg option to download and choose desktop (easy to find) and save.

    You can use the avatar as it is.                                               I recommend you crop the avatar edges this will make it larger before you upload to your 360 page. go to the link below for easy to use on line cropping tool.

    Then go to your 360 page

    If you want  to start a 360 page use this link

    1> Click "my page”.

    2> "edit personal photo"

    3> “browse” choose the photo, click save, Set as primary and save.

    4> Go to your “edit my profile”  click  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Âœuse my yahoo 360 picture” scroll down and press "preview", and then "OK" in the next screen.

    And you done.

  5. boy,.... thats a thinker.......

  6. when you start out with the avatar under the face is any option to zoom in or "zoom out".

    Hope that helped.

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