
(YAHOO BRAINS) why is life hard all the sudden?

by Guest31800  |  earlier

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My parents are always on my back. Sometimes I wish I didn't even know them.

My three best friends also showed me their true selves, which was bad obviously.

I JUST want to start new, but how??

Please I'm not emo or whatever. Im just saying whats up with all this happening at once??

Have you ever gone through this?




  1. Jesus, you don't even know how bad it gets. Getting bitched at by your parents once in a while is heaven compared to being an adult. Don't trip.

  2. i keep seeing your name o.o

    but i sort of had something sorta like that, and i was thinking why all right NOW. Things happen for a reason, and in the end it's always fine.

    Try forgetting about it, get new friends. Bad friends arn't friends worth having. Ask your parents for some privacy, like people DO need room to breathe xP

    hope this helped

  3. Come on, life is hard but thats the point of it, you need the bad to be able to feel the good.

    You live at home, and I'm sure you don't work, be happy for what you have. Make new friends, you're young. And as far as your parents, talk to them, tell them what's going on, tell them you need a lil space.

  4. I just went through this, my 2 best friends are just dumb $hits, i went screaming in the  street "I'm Crazy" like 5 times cuz i kept shouting at them and ppl kept looking at us(My so called friends, they think i'm some kind of a w***e)

    I started new, hmmm when i see them at the club or sth i pass by them normally, i even once said hi and when of them answered like she was $hitting or having some sort of constipation :-P

    I have alot of acquaintances, but i kinda ignoring them all cuz they're all back stabbers, i'm sticking by my guy friends, they seem to be the only ones who like me(I'm the best friend a guy can get)

    anyway, find a new set of friends, ignore all the others, and about ur parents, they'll never stop it!!

    I'm 15 :-)

  5. I always love these teenager questions... Always in distress.

    You're saying that life is hard when you're at home, living with you're parents, with a roof over your head, and food on the table.

    What will you think when you'll have to work, pay your bills etc...

    I don't want to judge you, but I was like that too, always thinking that my parents were after me, but there was a reason, and now I can understand why. Like we say in french "Qui aime bien, chatie bien" which means that if they are tough with you it's because they love you.

    At least, I had good friends.

  6. God lets people go through stuff sometimes cause thats how he gets our attention. Ask him and he will show you ;)

  7. Hey mate.

    Everybody goes through what you're going through. We all survive it (well except for the weak ones that kill themselves) and come out the other side better for it.

    Once you've matured a bit and you look back and think about your life, you will realise that your teenage years kicked

    I had the same problems with strict overbearig parents, and a group of friends I thought were good people and great mates turning out to be lowlife drug-dealing thugs.

    You'll find some new, better friends, believe me.

    Your parents behave the way they do because they are scared to death that something bad is going to happen to you!! In reality, they love you very much and are just trying to protect you from hazards you may not realise that are around you.

    Show your parents that you are maturing and capable of making the correct decisions in life, and tell them that you love them - constant arguing and teenagers teling their parents that they hate them, and that their parents are ruining their lives just depresses the h**l out of the parents.

  8. I think all teens go through this.  It's a time in your life when you are growing up and you are becoming the person you will be when you leave your parents for college, so it's a bit of a battle with them.  Just try to talk to your parents honestly and tell them how you feel.  

    As for friends, I think high school is the crappiest time of someone's life.  I don't know why people say it's the best time of your life, ugh.  Can you join a club at school or something fun to find new friends?  

    Life gets so much better in college.  There aren't cliques like in high school, everyone is more of a grown up.  

  9. i totally agree with you.

    but then again, theyre your parents, its their job to be on your back all the time. maybe if you let them in more theyll give you your privacy too. im not so sure.

    your friends, find new ones. be nice to people and theyll like you too. well if your best friends did something EXTREEEEMELYY bad then i geuss i wouldnt wanna forgive them either. but its allways better to forgive and forget, and if yall had a fight cause of a gf/bf... its better to keep your best friends because i wouldnt want to lose them because of some relationship that may have never worked out anyway.

    and life is hard, but you gotta learn to deal with it and just hope that one day something great will happen. till then you can make friends to help you through it! :) good luck and dont be sad!

  10. everyone goes through this.


    as of right now:

    A part of my family is crumbling to pieces

    My parents are on my case every 2 seconds about getting a job

    My 3 "best friends" just told me they hate me and never want to speak to me again.

    and all of my other friends are leaving for college and moving away

    And I'm finally realizing my parents aren't going to do everything for me anymore because I'm an "adult"

    try doing something you really enjoy but haven't had the chance to do yet. I know this will sound so dumb but me and my friend started to take walks every day around this lake where I live and would just talk about every single thing going on. It's like a free therapy session.

    don't sweat the small stuff, and you know when things get bad, they can only go up from there

  11. There's a time and a place for starting over, and it's called college. By the time you get there, you won't even remember all the c**p that went down in high school. :)

    The best you can do for now is realize that your parents are just looking out for you...your family will always be there, so appreciate them and all they do for you (seriously, you're pretty much getting a free ride at this point. I'd give anything for that!). And find friends who make you happy and who you can really be yourself around. Don't waste a moment of your time on someone who doesn't make you happy. Cut them out of your life and move on.

    And realize that everyone goes through this. I'm in my 20s and am just now realizing that friends I've had since middle school aren't who I thought they were. And that's okay. You pick up, and you move on to people who are worth it.

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