
YALL i really need help on this..What should I do:go to France for 10 days or buy a car??

by  |  earlier

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im 15,African and may never get the oppotunity to get either 1 again!!!




  1. Buy a car.  You will have it far longer than 10 days.

  2. Go to France.  It's a life-changing experience, it will affect everything you do in the future, will help you learn about new ways to see things, etc.  If you buy a car you have to pay for gas, insurance and car payments.  I didn't get my first car until I was 21 and had a good job.  I lived in France for 3 months and I don't regret it at all.

  3. How old are you?  If you're in your 20's (or teens, even) and you will still have reliable transportation to get to work without a fancy new car, GO TO FRANCE -- especially if you've never gone to Europe.  

    People who say you should buy a new car because it lasts longer are wrong.  The car will last you what, maybe a few years?  Your MEMORIES will last for a lifetime (and memories are appreciating assets).  

    If you are in your early 20's or teens, I'd HIGHLY recommend contiki.  It will be the time of your life, I guarantee it.

  4. car will last you more than 10 days ever will

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