

by Guest33383  |  earlier

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JUST DID A DOLLAR STORE PREGNANCY TEST ANDDDD ITS POSSSIIITIIVEE!!! oh mah goodness not what i was expecting but lucky month number 10!!! baby dust to you alllll!




  1. That is great to hear!  Congratulations!

  2. Congrats!!  that is wonderful news!  God bless!

  3. congrats!!! you deserve it..

  4. That's awesome congrats. May god bless you and your family!

  5. CONGRATS!!!!!!


  7. CONGRATS!!!! I just got my BFP last week too!!! I am 6 weeks now, good luck with everything!!!!

  8. CONGRATS!!!!

    I wish you a Happy and Healthy Pgcy!

  9. Congratulations!!!!!!

  10. congrats

    many blessings

    i got my bfp 2 weeks ago

  11. YAY! congrats!!!!!  :o)

  12. that's great! congratulations! like you, i've been trying for a number of months.  i will try your reco.  thanks!

  13. Ignore the first person who can't congratulate you.

    Congrats to you mommy to be . Enjoy your pregnancy because It'll be moving kind of fast, also have a healthy 9 months

    And Baby Dust to everyone else

  14. Congratulations x x x


  16. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  17. Congrats!!!! Wishing you all the best with your pregnancy and your new baby when he/she arrives.

  18. Congratulations! I am always so happy when a mom finally gets her baby! Enjoy every moment that baby is inside you! Aw! I'm so jealous, but so happy! :)

  19. Congratulations! So happy for you :)

  20. wooooohooooooo!!!!!!  CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!!!! or maybe I should say all since there's 3 now!  I'm sure the past 10 months has felt like an eternity!  Good luck to you and your new family!!!

  21. thats really good and i hope you enjoy it every bit!!! CONGRATS!!!

  22. That's is fantastic!!!

    I am so glad that you have finally got your BFP.

    I hope you have the best pregnancy and that it's better than what you have ever imagined it to be!

    All you have to do now is go to the doctors and have your pregnancy confirmed!

  23. Congrads are in Order..Thanks for  the tip of purchasing soy tablets..My hubby & I are TTC our second child..So if you get the time can you tell me what the soy pills actually do? If not Thanks anyway I understane..Have a healthy happy pregnancy..

  24. Congrats!!

    Trying for ten months now?? You must be so happy :)

    I know how it feels, it's probably been about 4 months or so for me, TTC, and every month that I get my period is a disappointment & very depressing!!

    Ya, apparently those dollar store tests are great...

    Congrats again!!

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