
YAZ???? Women with experience please help.?

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I am a 25 yr old mom of an almost 3 yr old boy. I have not taken birth control since i was a teenager. I had my son at 22 and after he was born i had an iud put in (paragaurd/w/no hormone). I had it in until mid july when i got a terrible infection from it and it had to be removed. After some research and talks with my doctor we both decided yaz would be best for me right now. I got the pack. Now I have 2 questions..

Have any of you taken Yaz, if so how did you like it and why???

If I got my period on the 17th of aug and it ended the 21st what day should i start the pack?? Should I wait until i get my period and start it on the first sunday after??? or can i start any day???? Thank you in advance :)




  1. I have taken Yaz for about a year.  I love it! I dont' have period's on it (I take it straight through and don't take sugar pills.  It doesn't make me hormonal at all, doesn't make me moody, and it cleared up my acne.

    You can start the pack any day after you start your period.  

  2. Yaz should be started with either Sunday-start or 1st-day're choice.  But you should NOT start in mid-cycle...that will cause a lot of problems.

    I took Yaz for 5 months and I HATED it.  I hardly ever had acne - even as a kid, but with Yaz I looked like a teenage horror!  My s*x drive dropped BELOW zero (and I usually just about kill my husband), I had HORRIBLE vaginal dryness all the time, my periods stopped entirely (only good benefit), but I cramped ALL the time, I was a raging ball of hormones and would snap at the littlest thing (and I'm usually VERY mild-mannered!), and the bonus was that it did serious damage to my much so that I have to go in every 6 months for function tests (yay).

    All in all, I HATED Yaz.  Sorry I'm the bearer of bad news on this one.  I hope you have a better experience....

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