
YIKES! I'm pissing chocolate milk???

by Guest61630  |  earlier

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Okay.. I'm a 36 year old male in pretty good health. Have NEVER had any major health issues or weird health problems. But tonight I was craving chocolate milk really bad, so went to the store and grabbed a 1/2 gallon carton of the sweet stuff. I haven't drank any chocolate milk in years probably. So it was delicious and satisfied my craving. Now two hours later, naturally the 1/2 gallon intake forced my need to go potty. And to my horrifying shock, my urine was the exact color of chocolate milk with some foam!! I have NEVER EVER seen such a color in urine! ..And NO I am not drunk or drugged up in any way. And yes I see everything else at the correct colors! What could possibly be wrong here? Doesn't something seem out of place!?? Please Help!




  1. That's freaking awesome! I'd guess that being that you drank so much of the Chocolate Milk, you're digestive system didn't digest it correctly or something. Either way, that's cool.

  2. I think the fact that you were craving chocolate milk, despite not having had any in years, should have been a tip that something in your body isn't quite right.

    Drink a lot of water, go potty again, and compare results.

    If still brown and foamy, get thyself to a  physician!

  3. STOP drinking chocolate milk!

  4. First problem is to define a Yike. Is it important? Does it matter?

    Secondly, did you take a sample and at least smell it if not taste it. If not you don't leave us much to work on.

    Could be the craving turning your mind a bit soft. e.g. writing "real bad" is a bit of a worry.

    Sleep it off and check again in the morning.

  5. Oh my goodness. You're a human cow! This is something for Ripley's.

  6. lol that is funny

  7. What could possibly be wrong here? Doesn't something seem out of place!??

    what could possibly be wrong? besides you downing 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk in 1 sitting, besides a 36 year old who refers to urination as going potty?you say you have never seen such a color in urine. How long have you been a urine color critic for? do you think maybe the fact that you drank that much may have caused your body to excrete the chemicals from the milk into your urine????? Also, to your "horrifying shock" your urine was the same color as chocolate milk! do the words hyperbole and overstatement mean anything anymore? Watching a 3 year old stop breathing=horrifying shock, visiting a holocaust museum=horrifying shock. urinating discolored urine after drinking a large volume of chocolate milk, slightly odd, minimally puzzling, but horrifying shock seems a bit much! If the foaming continues beyond Monday you should have yourself checked by your doctor

  8. wow thats weird ur wierd.

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