
YO man!!! Love is boring, don't you think?

by  |  earlier

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Many pple want to hear the words " I love you"

But that's so boring, cause after that comes marraige. You loose everything. Wheres the ice cream and chocolates and the theatres???


haha, love is so boring, Why do you love?




  1. YAY!! xD

    No its not!!! xP Love is thrill....excitement....adventure......

    I dont think its boring!!!

    To me love can be only 2 things:

    The best thing ever or the worst thing ever!!! XD

  2. I think wat ur saying is completly wrong.

  3. if you think that love is boring, i am think you are quite true for some part. to me i love, because i am called human. that normal. are you human without heart?

  4. Yeah I kind of agree, it sounds better on paper aka fairy tales.

  5. I'd have to disagree. I think love is anything but boring. I'd say more so exciting and unpredictable. I feel this way even after being with the same man for 8 years. I wouldnt trade the love we share for anything.  

  6. u r saying all these bu*llishit c**p cuz u havent found the guy who deserves u and u always hang out with punks who hurt u maybe one day u ll find someone who ll love u and by then grow up and get some maturity

  7. you're not talking about love, you're talking about relationship patterns. and stereotypes.

  8. at last u will  marry ,,,and im sure u wont be sooo happy like lovers.Coz if u love each other its another history.U will want do anything to ur love and u will live as the happiest persons in the world ,u will want to make love everyday,after days u will like it more,u never will be bored of ur lover,everyday u will love him eng is not well thats why i cant und and im sure if u love u will promise urself that the real love is different than u think

  9. love is NOT boring. maybe it's just you! why would you choose someone boring to marry? sucks for you b/c I love but I'm not in love right now. I guess I would have to agree w/ u sort of, b/c I love to be single, but then again I love to love that's why I said I LOVE to be single! no drama, and in your case no boredom!

  10. love isnt boring.. once u get married the day-to-day routine gets boring.. ive been wth my husband for 10years married 6-1/2 and spending time with him is still interesting and fulfilling.. i miss him when im @ work and cant wait to come to & see him....   i think u have to be completely in love with the person otherwise it would feel like what u describe

  11. Yep, definitely agree. CBA with love at the moment.

  12. Really?

    Got 20 years here and I still have it all just like when we were dating. Infact, I would say it gets better each year.

    Perhaps the real problem is you pick the wrong guys and you say I love you too soon.

    Try taking your time next time and finding the right guy. I can tell you, when you get the right one every day is fun.

  13. I agree. We are raised to think love is a well written well versed perfection. When in most cases it turns out to be a robotic chore.

    Thought you might like to look at this

    Its called breaking the love code

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