
YOU CAN WIN 10 POINTS if u give me a topic for my ART PROJECT?

by  |  earlier

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it can be a culture, a fashion designer, a visual artist... just not a singer. PLEASE HELP!!! You KNOW you want this best answer status and the TEN POINTS that come with it so.. please leave multiple suggestions.

thank you much!





  1. my last art project i did it about the genocide in darfur and was the only one in my class to get 100%

    it was a poster painted black (symbol being blind eye pres. bush is turning)

    red dots (sym. being blood being shed in darfur)

    and a babys handin red ( being the children forced into a war)

    good luck

  2. do it on Vincent Van Gogh his art is amazing

  3. do a city project. look up karen davie. i find her works link a lot with kinetic photography xcept with acrylic and its rather interesting/abstract to do. i did something similair for my art project and linked it with noise and city lights. try making a sculpture out of it. wen i did mine i linked it to brancusis infinite colum.hope u get along well also.

    another idea i like to do with the city is something my friend did. she took one board and made a collage out of newspapers. then she took another board and made a cutout of buildings. then on the cutout of buildings she carved out paris. and wen she glued the cutout of the buildings onto the collage of the newspapers it looked really good. cuz it was like teh 'media in paris' so yeah thats another idea.

  4. Maybe u could just do an abstract piece.....or if it is a written project just find a piece of work that u like and do research on that person

  5. I have a suggestion, if you are into photography. You take an awesome picture with the tehniqued called 'Ghosting'. This is what you will need.; SLR camera or a DSLR and film or memory card. You will need to set your photo frames for multiple photos in  one frame, no less than 3-4 for photo images per frame. You will need prefereably a monopod or a tripod. I will list the directions below as to how to accomplish this special effect as well as another special effect you can pick from.

    SLR Film Photography Special Effect (Part 1) - Ghosting Effect

    I know there are some photographers that still like to pick up that trusty ol' SLR, insert a roll of film and get out there and experiment in the field. Then approach with grinning anticipation as they pick up the developed film from their favorite photo shop and have the person behind the counter ask, “How did you take that picture? It's awesome!”

    It is this photography 'purest' to whom I appeal (this time) – the ones that still like using film every now and then. Most photographers have Digital SLRs (DSLR - “et moi aussi”). I know you can create this effect with Photoshop, after the fact; but having creative control over this special effect makes it exciting because you execute this photo miracle at the precise moment you push the shutter button.

    Ghosting. This is what this special effect is called; accomplished by using your SLR's multiple exposure feature, but with a simple twist to ensure proper film exposure. The procedure detailed in this article is different from the instructions in your SLR manual. Ghosting is perfect for pictures involving subjects in motion, taken when the camera and the background is stable (not moving) and the subjects move through, around, or across the frame. I have had great success using this effect when photographing people moving about an historic site or children as they scamper over rocks. I have also used this effect for weddings and sports shoots.

    Example (see images above): In one wedding photograph, the groom stood still at the bottom of stone steps to an historic dwelling, his hand extended towards his bride, who slowly moved down the steps toward her groom. My six deliberate 'clicks' of the shutter created an airy, surreal picture of the wedding couple.

    Depending on the speed of the moving subjects, the shutter can be held down in rapid fire mode or each exposure can be meticulously choreographed:

    1) each subject deliberately positioned in the frame,

    2) one 'click' of the shutter, and

    3) repeat steps 1 and 2 to the total number of multiple exposures you set in your camera.

    So what are the mechanics of this “through the lens” shot to achieve the ghosting effect?

    1. Stabilize the camera – using a tripod is best, a stable surface is a second option or, a steady hand as a last resort;

    2. Set number of multiple exposures you require for the frame to (N) – usually 1 to 9;

    3. For the roll of film in your SLR, determine the film speed (S);

    4. Reset the camera film speed (Yes, you can override the setting) to (N × S) or, if not an exact match, set it to the absolute closest speed ((N × S) ± adjustment);

    5. Take your picture, depressing the shutter button for a total count equalling the number of camera exposures you set in step “2”.


    1. You want 6 exposures on the frame (N=6) so set the number of multiple exposures to '6';

    2. You've determined the film speed is 200 (S=200);

    3. Reset the camera film speed to '1200' (= 200 × 6);

    4. Depress the shutter button 6 times (for 6 exposures).

    REMEMBER: Check and reset the SLR film speed and number of exposures to their original settings before continuing with your next shot. Some SLRs will automatically reset the number of exposures back to '1' before advancing the film to the next frame. It's always better to verify this.

    There are no special instructions for developing your film. Normal developing at the rated film speed will ensure the picture is properly exposed and developed – simple and beautiful. This is photo art!

    PS: you can use this same set-up for your SLR - but instead of using the tripod. just rotate your camera clockwise (or counter clockwise) as you snap each frame. Voila! now you have a swirl effect.

    Here is the link to the website for photograhing special effects.

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