
YOU GUYS .... i need your help on a VERY important desicion i am going to make PLEASE help me?

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well im currently in h.s 10th grade i go to a small school bout 900 kids but the thing is i have NO friends at this school all my friends didnt get accepted and ive been here since freshman yr. I thought i had friends when i was a freshman but obviously these people are just aquantances and so now i go to school everyday all alone saying hello and bye to aquantances i eat lunch alone sometimes i casually have a short conversation with someone but basically im alone. watching other people with their friends and just sitting their being big blah.... Now the first semester is over after this week and my friend she goes to a home school program were she says you go their twice a week in their classrooms and they give you the assignments and you do the work at home rather then going to school and doing it their. here is the link i checked it out already but i wanted to know what you think i should do




  1. I say go for it!!!   You've already got your socialization skills, now it's just all academic.

  2. quit school adn start homeschool.

  3. I was shy in the first couple years of high school... I didn't talk to too many people and thought that they just didn't like me...  when the fact was that they didn't KNOW me.  Once I came out of my shell during my junior and senior year and joined a few clubs and extra curriculars I became one of the students that had a ton of friends.  Stick with school and keep yourself confident.  A simple smile and "hey" will open doors you never expected.  You really really should stay in school and work on this.  In life, you can't run away every time something gets rough.  You are going to have jobs where you work with people who have already made relationships and you're going to have to get to know them....  school is the best place to start getting the tools to do that.  I don't think you'll be any happier in home school.

  4. Hi well i think if you really start talking to people they will come to you don't be shy. you may wanna change your looks if you know your not really pretty. Do you know why in every movie they say confidence is the key? thats because it is be confident don't act like you need friends or you might scare people off try to have short coversations like say hey do you know some guy named so and so and shell say no why then you say oh well he told me you were his sister then say oh well I guess he thought you were someone else or something even if you made the whole thing up.  

    well hope this helps ok let me know how it goes email me at veroakalokita@ I really look forward to hearing how many friends you made

  5. The program is academically fine. The question is: what will you do to make sure you fill your social need? Are you going to look for homeschool groups and find out about activities? Are you going to take any sports or other classes? Homeschooling won't solve your problem of being alone.

  6. Your choices are either: 1. Try and make some friends in the school. It sounds like you're not talking to people and getting to know them.

    2. Do the homeschooling. My friend is in it and he's doing just fine, but at the same time, there might be consequences to getting homeschooled.

    I think if you're having problems with friends now, you should stick to the school you're in. Homeschooling won't make you anymore social, which is very important in the real world. Just try talking to some people. You never know what'll happen. :)

  7. I home school and I love it. It's way nicer than public school, because there aren't all the b*tches walking around being nasty all the time...of course there are many other reasons to do it, but I definitely think it's worth it in the end. You can also learn at a faster pace because you won't have everyone else holding you back if they don't get it and you do...

    Hope that helps!

  8. Main question: are your parents ready and able to provide your with significant levels of suppor and supervision in the homeschooling effort?

    If so, then it's an option, although it appears you're pursuing it for the wrong reasons.  Homeschooling's biggest challenge is socialization (and many parents make it happen, so that's not absolute).

    If not, or if you realize that your social skills are the main problem, then stay in the public school and adjust your own attitude.

  9. You should definitely home school. No, questions asked.

    It is so much better for you. Those people above are funny....are they comedians. To think that being stuck in a class room is the "real world" that's so funny.

    I am home schooled and I am hardly at home, I am always out dealing with real life situations and learning and growing from real life things, not teen age drama. That's the real world?

    I don't think so.

    You will benefit from home schooling so much. You can make friends from other activity's. Do sports or drama or something. basically all you need is one good friend.

    Really it is. I hope you make the right decision.

    Good Luck!

  10. As someone who went through that situation, I know it is tough. 900 people is too many to deal need to find a way to deal with smaller groups. Have you considered extracurriculars? Or else, try to expand the conversations you are having...see if you can find things in common.

    If you've already tried these things, and honestly believe that making an effort in school won't change things, try to make friends outside of school. You indicate that you have friends at other schools, are you hanging out with them after school and on weekends? Do you have plenty of extracurriculars outside of school, and it is only the time in school that is the problem? If you have a good social life out of school, it does sound like school could be the problem. Under those circumstances, it makes sense to get out of the environment because *that* is the problem.

    If, however, you aren't spending time with people outside of school, you need to work on that first. If you get out of the school environment without a way of socializing better than seeing people as you pick up your assignments twice a week, you will find yourself in an even more isolating situation.

  11. i think it would be great to homeschool and who knows if you dont like it you can always go back to school next semester or next year =D

  12. I would disagree that homeschooling's biggest problem is socialization.  I think one of school's biggest problems is socialization - negative socialization, that is - and I think homeschooling is a great option for those who may be struggling.

    I have a friend whose son is in a University Model School which meets 2 days a week and homeschools the other 3 days.  They love this arrangement.

    If you think about it, this is more like real life.  Public high school is the last time in your life you will spend cooped up in a classroom with 30 or so kids for hours upon hours every day.  In college, you take a classes for a few hours a day and complete the rest of the work on your own.  

    Definitely talk to your parents and see if they would be open to having you attend the school.  Also, think of things you are interested in, and participate in activities related to your interests.  This would be a great way for you to meet others and have some positive socialization.  :)

    You may want to volunteer, join a book club, get a part time job, take a photography course, etc.  Here are some additional ideas for activities:

    I'm sorry you're havin a tough time.  I hope things improve for you soon!

  13. I realize you're unhappy in your current situation, so the home schooling option is appealing, but you need to realize that even if you know someone in the program, home schooling is often even more isolating. I would recommend staying with your current situation. Perhaps getting involved with extracurriculars would help you make some friends. Remember that high school is an awkward social stage for many people, and that you're not the only one at your school who feels alone.

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