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Dont have a contract, they dont do them, i was told if i dont like it "you know where the F**king door is" is this legal?? uk only




  1. I for one am tired of the canned "UK Only" questions...There is an option at the bottom of the page to go to Yahoo Answers U.K. Use it!!!

  2. What exactly are you talking about ?

    You don't have a contract to buy a house ?

    You don't have a contract for your job ?

    Give us a clue.

  3. Law states that all employees are to be provided with terms and conditions of the employment no later than 8 weeks from starting.

    You can not be dismissed without good notice (1 week in your situation)


  4. you havnt said contract for what, flat? job?

  5. Every one has the right to be treated with dignity and respect whilst at work.

    This so called manager must have someone higher than him that you can complain to. If you can get someone else to back you up even better. You can educate yourself on employment law by visiting the acas website and even print off some of the pages relevant and perhaps  leaving them somewhere for this idiot to see.

    Phone acas for advice and join a union no one need know you have joined one and they are brilliant at running rings round idiot employers that think they know everything but actually know sweet f a .

    It is normal for employees to be employed at least a year before a tribunal will accept a hearing but in exceptional circumstances they will hear a case if the employee has only been there a day! But seek advice

  6. a bit confusing...........who was the contract with?.............and if they said that then report them to the trading standards

  7. the door ... ask the ppl u signed it with and go over the contract if ur not sure ASK A LAWYER  

  8. If your a casual off the books worker cash in hand you'll have no legal rights if you get the sack the dole will s***w you as well, not enough stamps paid over the tax year will affect your right to the dole and the time it takes to be processed.  If you have a contract then the manager has no legal right to prance about claiming he'll sack anybody at a whim.  On the spot sackings, dismissal from the premises can only be done in front of others if a breech of health and safety has occurred a serious enough breech to warrant an instant dismissal.  Your boss blows his own trumpet, let him listen to his own tunes.  He's a gutless wanker!  

  9. doesnt sound legal - lol

  10. legally, you have to have writen terms and conditions within 8 weeks of starting. However, in UK employment law, a contract exists if you are offered work, tunr up and do it and are paid. You do have rights - please expand your question if you want further advice.

  11. As far as I know, it's not illegal to be rude and offensive. Sorry!

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