
YOUR first day of high school?

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mine's tomorrow! haha. i'm not particularily worried like some people on yahoo answers saying "OMGG! FIRST DAY?!!?"

but i wanna know how YOURS went! :)




  1. It was ok. My American Cultures teacher is a little weird and my pre algebra teacher was weird, but I'm not having him anymore. I found out right before I left school that my math was changed.

  2. Hmmm, wow.  That was 8 years ago.  I just remember absolutely loving my geometry teacher. I was a little nervous at first, but I learned that the only difference was the campus.  

  3. I go to a charter school, so all lot of people did not know each other. I myself knew nobody, and because of that, this story was born.

    My school is approx. 15 mins form home by freeway, but I was wary of traffic during the morning so I woke up at 4am, got ready, made sure I had the best outfit and hair, and left two hours before school started.

    There was absolutely no traffic and I got to school at 6:15! School didn't start until 8 so I had my mom drive around aimlessly and she yelled saying I needed to get over my nerves and get out. But I was not going to sit there like a loser all by myself! I finally got out of the car at 7:45, but I was so nervous I could not walk.  I just stood there in front of everyone.

    It was so embaressing! Like, I felt so stupid! ahaha.

    well I didn't trip or fall at all that day or lost! aha.

    The most embaressing day was the first day of gym class!

    I got pantsed in the locker room by seniors! But all the freshman did! oh god.


  4. hmm... my first day of high school... goes wayy back 50 years agoo..

    lol im KIDDIN.  

    first day of high school was the day i spent sweating and being nervous and thinkin what other people would think of me. I was scared to death.

    ask me how my first day of gr 11 will be?


  5. Well it technically wasnt my first day in high school,but it was my first day as a sophmore.

    And it went ok,except for all of the left-behind drama that i still have to deal with.And I now have to see people I dont want to see anymore.

    If your gonna be a freshman,this year,then i would just suggest,try not to get in ANY drama at all.

    It will mkae you never want to face those people again,trust me.

    Anyway have fun tomorrow!

  6. lol don't even worry about it. My first day was pretty smooth. Just went inside, sat down, blah blah, the usual talking from teachers and all that. But the best thing about it is meeting completely new people. I somehow found like 5 people at lunch who I'm still friends with 3 years later lol. Best thing about that day is getting out earlier than normal since it's the first day :)

    The school only has like 400 students so maybe that was a factor? Don't worry about it. It's just another day.

  7. man... my whole day was great until last period. I thought my teacher was yelling at someone else but she was actually yelling at me. Then I had to talk to her after school... blahhh and it ruined my day.

    it was kind of embarrassing cuz i never got yelled at in front of the whole class and today was the first.

    Im sure your's will be fine though. most teachers won't yell at u on the first day lol

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