This is spurred on by a question someone asked about what you would do in a power outage, as she wasn't prepared, and it was an ordeal for her to get through one night, and part of a day with no power.
Many of you (probably most) have city water. By the way, I'm in the U.S.A. and I'm imparting information on the U.S. system, not another country.
If you recieve TREATED city water, and it is almost all treated now, at the very most your city has a seven day supply of clean water for you in a National Emergency.
Checmicals to treat city water arrive on a "just in time" basis. There is not one single city in the entire U.S. that has more than a seven day supply of chemicals. Many only have a three day supply.
After that, the water may become so full of bacteria is it unsafe for you to drink.
Even if you live in cities and have city water, you need to store water in case of an emergency. How many of you knew that?