
YOUR near death experience?

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What was your near death experience? How close was it..... was it preventable? Tell me your story!

"Mine was when I was with my friends a few years back they didnt see a stop sign at the bottom of the hill, it was raining and the car had bald tires flew right through the T intersection, hitting a metal guard rail shattering and flattening the whole front of the vehicle... everyone lived but had we been going 10-20 km more we would have broke through the guard rail falling over a cliff!!!!!!!" *count your blessings everyday*




  1. I fell through the ice in a field when I was six. I was up to my neck in water and sinking fast. Couldn't swim. My mother had made me these very bright orange mitts. I was about 2 blocks from home. I was waving as hard as I could. My next door neighbour just happened to look in my direction and saw me. I ran for all he was worth and pulled me out as I went under.

  2. I've had two, but I'll only tell one because I'm writing a book about the other one and my publisher won't let me say anything about it yet.

    I was very sick with cellulitis, about 10 years ago.  My fever was 106 and I was hallucinating.  My friend came over and couldn't rouse me, so she took matters into her own hands and got me out of bed and into her car.

    On the way to the hospital, I remember 3 times when I felt myself getting really foggy or fuzzy-like and each time I would see my body, slumping-over in the seat, from above and a little to the side of myself.

    But each time that happened, I would also find myself suddenly pulled back into my body, with my friend slapping my leg (hard!) and saying (shouting, actually), "Gwyn, come back. Come back Gwyn, Come back NOW!".  It was quite a jolt coming back, each time.

    I remember feeling like I'd really rather keep going wherever it was I was going, than come back, because my body was soooo miserable.

    I even remember feeling really cranky with my friend for making me come back, and I decided that when I felt better I'd tell her off!

    She got me to the hospital, and got me admitted, and with modern day medicine and good care from doctors and nurses I left the hospital 10 days later on the way to wellness again.

    I never did tell my friend off for yelling at me.  By then, I'd decided that being alive was a OK afterall.  

  3. I was a baby when I had meningitis.

    My brain swelled up.  

  4. it was when i was 13 in i was visiting my uncle in colombia and he was fooling around with a lighter and he threw it at me and i steeped back and trip ed on the floor matrees and hit the window behind me and it shattered but for some reason something pushed me forward instead of falling threw the window i was push forward i felt blessed to of not been hurt and that day i had a jacket with the picture virgin mary in the pocket i consider her my protector

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