
Ya see polaris at 45 degree n ya friend sees polaris at 11 degree what is the distance between you n ya friend

by Guest58556  |  earlier

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please help!!!!!




  1. Oh jeez.  Well, You make an isosceles  triangle with your friend and polaris.  

    Two sides of the triangle are 4,081,548,340,480,808.736 kilometers long, with the third side being the distance between you and your friend.

    Darn, I've forgotten the equations.

    That's a bigass triangle, though.

  2. ugh I am bad at these problems

  3. Impossible to say unless you specify they are on the same meridian. All you have given us is a clue to their latitudes. Since they are 34 degrees apart, they are separated N-S by some 3774 kilometers.

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