
Yahoo, Seriously? "GOP Holds Breath"?

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Yahoo! has an article claiming that the GOP is holding their breaths because Sarah Palin's speech at the RNC could make or break the Republican campaign.

Am I the only one appalled here?

Palin could completely stumble over her words, vomit onstage, tear up a picture of the pope Sinead-style, and/or threaten to blow up the planet and the Repubs/conservatives would still claim it was the best speech since Jesus and that they're undoubtedly going to win.




  1. I want McCain to win and thus I want Palin to do well.  Not having seen a lot of her, I don't know fully what to expect at this point.  Therefore, I am anxious to see how she comes across.  Enough so that I would probably rather not see it live, but first hear the reaction from the media.

    If it is neutral to slightly positive, then I will know she hit a home run.

    If it is slightly negative, then I will have to see for myself how she did as well as see who didn't like something and what it was they didn't like.

    So, yeah, I may not be holding my breath, but I am concerned that she does well.

  2. Too true, and I think Fox News has probably already has their 'pundits' notes prepared on how amazing the speech 'was'.  But in fairness to all, I think the Democrats would have done the same thing.  It's politics...and all politicians are self serving.  

  3. You were expecting one of them to have the stones to finally admit that the emperor has no clothes????  They'll come out of there goose-stepping like always.

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