
Yahoo 360 ending today? That's the rumour going around? Is a new format coming now or later on? What to do?

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I notice some contacts giving me links elsewhere, like Multiply. I don't have time to be on the web every where.

I guess it is time to rethink my blog? Are you nervous about changer at Yahoo 360? What are you thinking to do?




  1. They are moving 360 content to a new platform sometime in 'early 2008'; I haven't heard a specific date yet.  They will save all of your blog content.

  2. Yahoo is setting up a new social network and no one has heard when it will be here.

    Some are moving to other sites, Multiply being one of them. And they are mad over losing 360. And l like 360 also but l am sticking it out. l do not like alot of web sites either and have no time for them.

    l am not nervous over the change, l am one of these people that are not afraid of changes. And l am thinking about hanging right in there with Yahoo.I am like a child on Christmas morning and all excited about the new network.

    l also believe that those who moved away will come back to Yahoo.

  3. I got into Multiply, but don't like it, so.....I will wait it out here.

  4. I wouldn't "worry"....progress is just a "natural state of affairs" I am sure that if Yahoo 360 is going to change formats that they will most likely do so to where it will help us to have a better way to share our thoughts, questions, answers and ideas.

    Why won't change a single thing. They are going to do whatever they want to with THEIR we just have to "roll with the punches".

    Change is the one thing that is inevitable.

  5. Seems to me they would send out a notice, rather than just end it.

    They sent a notice last time they made changes.

  6.         See this:

    God bless.

  7. Since the day is almost ending, I can safely say NO.


    Y!360 is transitioning into a different social networking platform in early 2008. There has not been a more specific date announced on the blog yet, so it could happen any time between January and end of March 2008. Yahoo is trying to centralize its profiling services - Y!Mash, Y!360, and the regular Members profile - into one. It likely will not be called 360 anymore, so yes, it's closing in a sense. See for more details. The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space. However, they are no longer fixing bugs related to Y!360, so there's no point in trying to contact them about those.

    I don't like how the startup Multiply looks, plus I like to stick with Yahoo services. I'm looking forward to seeing what they come up with and am backing up my content just in case.

    For more of my opinion on this, see

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