
Yahoo 360 falling apart.?

by  |  earlier

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Is there any Idea when the replacement for 360 is going to be finished?????? Every day some thing else in 360 goes to c**p. Can not add frinds, getting alerts of messages, blog comments, comments posted to my,most of them do not show up at all. In ability to post comments at times. What are they doing? Now I was nice and did not realy say whit I felt but what the @@#%%@## are they doing?




  1. yah i no :[

  2. yahoo is being taken over by gates & co. so they dont give a shitt anymore about what you or i think. , if they ever did. yahoo sux anyray.Here in Canada its the same with yahoo canada.  Whats the odds.

  3. My Yahoo! 360 account has vanished completely. I can't access any of it. All I get is a page saying it does not exist. It's really a shame, because we were originally promised to be able to export everything to the new service, and now pffffftttt.

    I'm just glad I had a back up account on Multiply, where a lot of my friends already are.

  4. There won't be a new lay out for Yahoo 360 no more that got cancell when Yahoo got brought out.  

    When your page acts up you can tell Yahoo about but they won't fix it, I know the samething happen to me. I have to started  a new  yahoo 360 page with  a new Yahoo ID also and have all my friends go over to my new page. Then 3 months later Yahoo fixed my old page and it working again.

    Now I save my old page as a back up page. LOL. I have been on Yahoo 360 from the very 1st days and there are starting to me more and more problems with it. The Yahoo 360 staff got cut back, so it take much more longer for them to help you out. I did found out if you pay for  you Yahoo ID/ email they ( yahoo360) will get back with you faster.

    Good luck with Yahoo 360

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